• Author CJ1
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I have never been on a blog before so a bit weird to write in detail what i feel even though its just about Duromine.
Today is my 10th day on duromine, i started on the 25th Jan . i take it every morning diligently at 6am which is strange cos i am not the kind of person who ever sticks to time so this means i must be serious about losing weight right? My doctor told me not to weigh myself for the first two weeks but to put on a pair of jeans that was too tight for me before. ok so i still have until sunday the 8th of february to lose some weight/cm's however i feel like im fatter than before, my stomach seems more bloated, i stood in front of the mirror yesterday and i looked like i was 6 months pregnant. I eat more than i ate before and my appetite is crazy, for me it seems like my metabolism is burning everything i eat cos i can eat a full meal and 10min later i am starving. so this is my food intake during the course of a day.
breakfast: tea and a slice of toast then anything else i can get my hands on until lunch.chocolate, fruit, cake, biscuits. my mouth is dry all the time so i try and drink water which i hate but have to drink. i have cut down on coke which i drank about 500ml a day, i now drink less than 100ml.
lunch: a slice of bread with peanut butter which is my craving right now and then whatever else i can get my hands on.
Dinner: whatever i cook for my family i eat and then i look for my snacks as usual. i have never eaten as much as i eat now compared to before i started with Duromine. I am going to stick it out for the month anyway just to see if maybe this is how my body is adjusting and hope it gets better.


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