Just Rambling

  • Author On My Way
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read

Well, I weighed myself on sunday and i have lost 6.5 kilos in 2 weeks !,,,, very happy chappy lols,
My clothes are looser... gone are the size 20's ( YUCK ).. down to a size 18,, and some 16.. Yehaww.. :)

Sleep is muckin up abit again... feel like a zombie in the mornings before the little pill does its magic :p
Having a really bad day with everything else,,,, so far ive dropped furniture on my toe,, slammed my finger... hit my shin... burnt my toes on concrete,,
spilt hot water on my belly and thats just this morning !! I think ill leave this moving cleaning shit till tomorow and try again !

I have a saying that i repeat over and over each day,, i wanted to share it with you all..

I am free to accept love,, and to give love freely in return. I am at peace with who and what i am.
I try everyday to learn something about myself so that i may grow and mature. I accept im not perfect and being me is ok.
Till next ramble Lols..
Hope you like,
Cheers Beck..:cool:


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On My Way
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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