Keep on trying

  • Author Beck
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I've had weight issues ever since I can remember - even as a toddler I remember being different. And then school - what a joy that was! Being picked on, friends defending me with the old "big bones" "genes" excuses ... and it is true in one respect if you knew my family background, but I definitely know since going out in to the big world on my own my eating habits have been my downfall.

Unfortunately when I gave up the addition of smoking in 2008 I picked up the addiction of chocolate and icecream. Always liked them - just more so now! lol

When I was in my first year of uni I lost nearly 20kg - for a boy, but did it the wrong way - little eating and lots of smoking, but I was also walking a lot and we went out dancing 2-4 times every week (plus extra curricula activities ;)).

And then I met my now hubby and 13 years together and 3 gorgeous girls later, I've managed to whack on about 30-40 kgs.

So I finally bit the bullet and spoke to my GP about my weight, but also for the fact that I haven't had a period in like 4-5 months and whilst we haven't really decided to have another baby, the thought that my time is over to do so has freaked me out. So hopefully getting active again and losing some weight will help me in other ways too.

So I've already been through my first week and onto my second week. First week - few side effects, buzzing the first day which was awesome ... non stop all day getting stuff done. Exhausted at the end of the day but ended up waking up after about 3-4 hours of sleep and couldn't switch brain off. On and off insomnia for the first week, but by the end of the week I think I've exhausted myself so much that now I just sleep as normal - though still wake early.

Thirsty - which is good though. I've stopped drinking all the coke and other fizzy drinks. I think I had 1 or 2 over the weekend as a treat - though it didn't quite taste the same. I've tried to cut out desserts - has like a lick of the spoon if getting kids icecream.

All in all, the first week was good. Appetite was definitely down and no desire to snack which was awesome. And I started exercising everyday - with 1 rest day had so far.

Second week - I've found that my appetite has started to come back a bit and I'm finding it hard to be strong and stay away from the snacking ... damn chocolate in the cupboard!! The real problem I think is that I'm home - I've had the last few weeks off work due to hubby having an operation so once the housework is done aside from playing Candy Crush (lol) I get bored - especially when the kids are at school etc. Go back to work tomorrow so hopefully that will see a change. Fingers crossed anyway!

So I've got a LOT of weight to lose but hopefully duromine will do the trick. On 40mg ... it better!

Start weight @ 28/09/2013 - 140.3kg
1st week @ 05/10/2013 - 137.7 kg

Loss so far - 2.6kg

Also - need to stop weighing myself everyday - becoming a bit of an unhealthy habit. I esp don't want my kids to see. My eldest is just 7 and having started school bullying is rampart! She's already told me how to needs to "stay straight" and not get fat. She fits into clothes anywhere from a 4-7 depending on the clothes! OMG!!! I've already tried to explain to her that the reason I am dieting and exercising is for my health and if I don't, I might get really sick and that her body is perfectly fine - she's the same as all her other little friends. Bloody school ... o_O


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