Living Well

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Have not posted in a while so heres whats new.
Did try Duromine again but still the same thing SO SLEEPY always and tons more hungry then normal, Tryed Duromine 3 different times and can say I know for sure that it just doesnt work for me BUT just trying it did boost me to be motivated.

I've been really happy with not getting on the scales I seemed to stay focused on just living well and heaps of ppl had noticed, people commented on how good my skin is and just how bright i seemed AND every time i went to buy alcho i would get asked for ID! Im 21 and havnt been asked since last year so that makes me feel good and im always more then happy to hand over my ID. Altho i dont feel like im loseing much weight i think i feel it shifting more then anything but that could be down to PCOS, PCOS is still a battle for me but i think im having more wins these days.

Now for the bad news i had a friend randomly visit for the last week and it was party central not good food and defs too much drinking i tryed to still eat daily vegis but i mean i know it was a very bad week!

Good news there is always Monday lol so thats today and im back on track ready to detox from last week. its my birthday in a few weeks so i am motivated to feel really good for that!

Im sticking with the no scales thing!
I need to do more upper body work now Ive changed jobs I feel less ..strong in my arms.


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