long time no blogs

  • Author letsdothis
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hey guys its been awhile since i have been on here. i got prescribes the 40mg fir my second month and lets say it didnt agree with me. I took it for a week before deciding to only take it 3 days a week when i had to work. Good news os im sitting on 79.8 so no weight gain. Finally made it back to the dr and because i am so busy and there was such a gap in visits he has given me 2months worth of 30mg. i am looking forward to taking daily again ! According to dr i have 20kg still to loose which i agree with so heres to the new refreshed goal :)
P.s went shopping yesterday and was able to go to sime young funky stores and not only buy something for the first time ever, it wasnt even the largest size they stocked happy
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