Lost 1 lousy kilo

  • Author SaraMegan
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well Duromine 15 has all the side effects as the 30mg one but without the whole effect of stopping me crave chocolate and especially wine (which is me biggest down fall).
I am hoping to see better results than one kilo loss. Maybe my scales are broken haha. I am going back to the gym and are going to eat roast vege for dinner and think positive about this cause I'm feeling really down on myself at the moment. My own fault maybe I should just sticky tape my mouth shut so junk food, chocolate or wine will not go in it. Anyway ...maybe better luck next week.


Oh sweetheart, im sorry but your comment about sticky taping your mouth shut made me laugh :p.

You and I had similar starting stats. I was 85.7kg when I started Duromine and am 164cm tall.

Don't get dishearted. Imagine if you lost 1kg every week for 3 months!!! That's a whoping 12kg and that's freaking fantastic!!!

I had the same problem with wine but I just had to MAKE myself not drink it cos I so desperately wanted to lose weight. If you are focus and determined about what you want it truely does get easier.

I think the fact you are going to stay positive is the key!! Everything is mind over matter and you will acheive it if you set your mind to it. And if that fails, then there's always the sticky tape idea ;):p

Keep going because once you get to your goal weight you won't even remember this day because your new healthy happy life will be waiting for you :)

Easter holidays, tough week Sara to start dieting, but you did and you lost weight - awesome effort!!! I struggled this weekend also and I am not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow! I fear a loss has escaped me. Eek!

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