Loving Duromine!!!

  • Author Miss T
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I have been on Duromine for 15 days today.... and I have lost 5kg!

No one has noticed (yet) but i can see it. I can see it in my face and just don't feel as bloated as i did before. I can feel a slight difference in my clothes too, which is a great feeling.

It is so good to not worry about food all the time. I hardly even give it a thought. I am eating very healthy choice's now, alot of fruit, yoghurts etc and even just a little satisfies me. After being on so many different diets it is difficult to decide what to eat, as everything i eat makes me feel "guilty" but i know that is just my frame of mind (damage caused by endless dieting)
I have tried every diet and pill there is and never even came close to loosing 5kg on any of them. So to be able to loose 5kg in 2 weeks and not feel deprived is fantastic. I have another 14kg to go to get to my goal weight of 57kg. I might even try get to 55kg, incase i do pick up a little when stopping Duromine. I have not done any exercise but now that I can see Duromine is working I am going to claim back my bicycle from my sister and start cycling again. Exercise has never excited me before, so this is a miracle on its own.

Wishing everyone success!!!

Miss T
SW 76kg
CW 71kg
GW 57kg
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Miss T
Read time
1 min read
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