Might not sound like a huge size change but it is to me !!!......from size 22 to 20 /18 in 6 and a half weeks ..

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Been weighing weekly and Measuring every two weeks, and so far the measuring has brought better results than the scale.....
Today I had to go buy a few things for my teenage son,and decided to try on some clothes just to see if my 12 cm loss this week has payed off ,as I do not want to buy any clothes yet till I reach my first 10kg milestone, but trying on can do no harm right ?

Ou of habit, I grabbed some SIZE 22 Blouses, and in some areas they only had size 20 and size 18 in blouses I really liked and in styles I wish I COULD wear ..So for fun I took them to try on.. to my surprise, the 18 and 20ts fitted perfectly , did not think the 18 would because of the style ,as really to be honest, some clothes should not be designed for us "heavy weights", they really meant for "normal healthy figures " lol ..IT felt so good to put a blouse on over my head that did not get stuck at my shoulders, or my waist ,they all popped right over from my head to my hips, AMAZED was I ,So Amazed I TRIED THEM ALL ON THREE TIMES OVER, hahahaha.. just to make sure ..I know I am a sad case hahaha.... I decided to take the size 20 for now, and the two 18 for the next 5kg I lose, as the 18 are short sleeve, and I want toned arms for that for summer ,another mini goal I have set myself for Summer ..The were only $8 AND $10 so I figured it was not a huge waste of money at this stage to do so, and everytime I look at my new clothes now I am challenged to reach that goal quicker now,I have old thin clothes , waiting to be worn, but this has inspired me on a whole new level, as I did not think I would be TWO blouse sizes down already, I thought it would take me 3-4 months to get to a size 18 blouse, so this is a gr8 surprise ,and I NOW look forward to trying on a pair of pants in a few weeks time to see what my hip, butt and thigh ratio will be ,as that area of fat always takes the longest to leave my body ....Feeling driven today, who knew a piece of fabric could make ones perspective clear ..Hope you are all having a good week..Hope you all Find what inspires you ,by surprise too ,GO .. GO... GOAL!!! :)
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Thats great. I went shopping today and didn't buy any clothes. I an scared to have a downer day after loosing weight. Iam going to wait a few more weeks. I love the summer colours this season. I also can't wait to have sleeveless shirts with out the tuckshop arms. Keep been inspired and encouraging xx
HAAH AAA love the "tuckshop arms" analogy ,have not heard that in years !!.. Yes the colours are gr8,and inspiring I am so sick of black ,and even when I go to choose a bright colour it is never in my size and the ones that are my size are always black, they tend to think fat people only want black to hide themselves and give the illusion of looking thinner, lol .. HOPING T HAVE A VERY COLOURFUL wardrobe by the end of the year for sure ..have a gr8 week tarme!! x
I got so excited the other day! I realised that soon, I'm going to be able to buy NICE clothes!! Back in 2004 my then teenage daughter said I had tuck shop armso_O

She is getting engaged in November and I want to rock my frock:laughing:
I am so happy for you, its always good to measure yourself bc the scale isnt alwasy so friendly. But see you are doing great and such difference, that feeling is just amazing i know wheni put my jeans on few weeks back its like wow cant belive it , and the size that i am wearing now when i started my weightloss are falling off , i cant belive my butt got so small hehehe.. Anyways keep going .. I tolled you you gotta go go go even on those crazy sad moody days.. At the end the Sun always comes out.
Good luck Sunshine Keeep it uppp
awww Thank you Hotfizz yes you did, Go Go GO is my new mantra now, just added Goal at the end of it now, hee hee, x

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