Miscarriage, pregnancy and duromine.

  • Author Northbeach
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I recently had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago,
I had my d&c on the 6th of Jan 17, i started duromine daily on the 12th of jan 17. 15 mgs Daily. I was 12 weeks along, i was devistated but decided to take controll of my life, i put on about 5kgs in the first 12 weeks. Duromine has helped me loose that, but i recently did a pregnancy test as a precaution before i started the pill again. All 3 of the have come up with faint positive lines. I can't get in to see my GP for a week and a half. I'm not sure if uts still left over hormones or if i am actually in early stages of pregnancy as i did have UPS with my partner twice in the past 2 weeks. Im not sure if i should stip duromine or what to do, any advice.. has anyone been through this or know anyone who has??


NB, go see another doctor ASAP. You do not want to risk being on Duromine while pregnant - all the information on Duromine warns heavily against it. If the test at home is not conclusive, you are best to see another doctor immediately. Any local practitioner can organise a blood test for you. You may also want to double check there are no complications if you are already pregnant (ectopic etc) which can only be determined by an ultrasound. I have been told by my GP that immediately after a pregnancy or miscarriage you can become pregnant again easily. This might not be the case for everyone, however I would be cautious in using protection if this is not what you and your partner are ready for at this stage in your grief.
Thank you for your reply Lily. I will cease taking duromine untill i know whats going on. Thank you for ur help x
OMG Northbeach, I agree with Dee - ultrasound would clear things up, so suggest do it asap! Please let us know how it goes, fingers crossed for the best!
Hello ladies, thank you so much for replying to my blog, i just wanted to let you know, everything is ok, i went to the Dr followed by an appt with a sonographer, turns out its just left over hormones from the MC. Wich is normal (i wish i knew that earlier) so i started back on duromine today, my dr gave me a perscription for 30mgs daily... i am also starting the contraceptive pill again, using condoms untill it takes affect :) xx

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