Month 2 Progress - August

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Typically I forgot to post but forgive me I was on a Contiki Trip in the Northern Territory.

Here were my month two results:
Starting weight (01.07.15) = 88 kg
Month 1 Result (31.07.15) = 83.5 kg
Month 2 Result (29.08.15) = 80.4
Loss this week = 2.7kg
Total = 7.2 kg
Remaining = 7.4

Goal = 73 kg by November 1st (15kg in 4 months)

Pretty good, halfway there almost. I luckily didn't gain much weight on my trip because of all the walking and I didn't drink much alcohol, but disappointedly thats three weeks I've been set back, but I'll get to that when I post September's results in the next few days.
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Hi there. How are you finding it getting scripts from your Dr now that your bmi is lower. My Dr was hesitant to give it to me from the start but now that its been nearly three months and I've lost 10kgs my bmu has dropped to 26or so. So still over weight but technically not enough to be prescribed duromine.
Good luck with your results and hope you are close to achieving your goal

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1 min read
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