My busy week

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
So after my rant last week I had lots of stuff happen. I found out last Saturday that my grandpa had passed away it was a massive shock, I knew he was sick but last I heard he was getting better. I live away from home studying UNI in Wagga so I haven't got to see much of my family in that last three years. I last saw him at Christmas and he didn't look well. We had just lost nan the year before hand around that time. I was quite upset as you can understand. He was the only grandpa I had ever had and he was suddenly gone. With nan I was able to visit a few times but this was so much harder. I needed to drop a few things at uni which was so difficult because I am in my final year and I have so many projects happening (I study TV Production), luckily my dad was able to convince his family to have the funeral on the Thursday so I could attend. The issue was that was the day of his birthday and they thought it might have been a little weird. In the end I found out he died the day before my nans birthday so we all like to think he got to be with her again.

Despite this sadness I kept pretty healthy. I didn't let myself eat the sadness away lol but I did enjoy a few snacks with my brother and sister at the wake. In the end apart from the funeral it was a very happy afair because we celebrated his life and we all knew he wasn't happy once nana had gone.

Okay I just wanted to get that out. Now on with the rest of the weekend. The next day, Friday, was my littles sisters 18th so we had lots of fun celebrating that. My siblings and I all enjoy card games so when ever I'm home they teach me a new one. I had a few drinks with my sister, unfortunately she likes sugary drinks so I only had one.

She went out that night with friends to the city and I stayed in with the parents. On the sunday we had a family birthday for my sister and I made her a cake shaped like a tardis (from doc who) it was amazingly delish and I unfortunately went back for seconds. Overall I ate pretty badly the 5 days I was home. Mum alwyas says that when I come home she is putting me on a diet yet I eat worse then even while there... well I eat the best food... thats the worse for me :p.

So my point of this whole post is to SAY!
Tuesday when I finally got back into the gym without planning or realising I didn't eat anything all day apart from a banana before the gym and a shake for lunch. The next morning I weighed myself so assess the damage of the bad eating and I had LOST 1.3 kg... WHAT THE HECK? I checked three times and yup I was 93.6kg :laughing:

Wednesday morning I weighed myself again and I was down a further 700g at 92.9. I was stoked! 2kg in two days after CAKE! :p My PT boyfriend says the shock of sugar to my body followed by the accidental detox on Tuesday forced my body to start burning again. :) So if I plateau again i know what to do! EAT CAKE :p JOKING!

But seriously if you are have stopped losing weight have one or two bad days followed by a fasting/low calorie day and it might just help. I also had about 4 cups of green tea that day too.

I know this rate of loss wont keep up but as long as it continues to be a loss I will be happy!

If you made it to here you are a CHAMP!
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