My Duromine Journey

  • Author Weightloss2809
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Duromine 30mg
Start date:
Age: 20
Height: 162
Start Weight: 77.7kgs
Goal Weight: 60kgs

Day One - 14/2/2017
Time Taken:
I took tablet at 5.30am and went back to sleep woke up at 8am.
Feelings: Felt a little hungry during the day even when I ate. And my mouth felt dry
Exercise: Went to gym for 1 hr 30 mins
Sleep: Fell straight asleep when I went to bed around 11pm

Day Two - 15/2/2017
Time Taken:
Took pill at 6am and straight after fell asleep until 7ish
Feelings: Had a smoothie and apple at around 8am and still feel a little hungry.... felt tired during the day like I had no energy and felt hungry alot during the day.
Exercise: 1 Hour cardio and 1 hour swimming at the beach
Sleep: Fell asleep very fast that night at 11pm


Good luck, will be watching your thread as we have started around the same time :)
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Hello, hello! What a lovely day! One more person is ready to do everything he/she needs to make serious life changes and become healthier & happier!!! Welcome and best of luck for your journey! Hopefully, your body starts working with Duromine as you need it to work. Everyone’s progress is different, so we’ll just have to wait and see for a week, how it happens in your case.

Try drinking more water, if you still didn’t start to hydrate yourself better. You might be feeling “hungry”, while being thirsty instead. Always use this water trick when you feel hungry: slowly drink a glass of room-temperature water, wait about 15 minutes and check out if you’re still hungry. Most times, hunger will disappear. Looking forward to your news and best of luck!
Thank you for the tips!
I will be trying to update every week on my weight loss progress!

Day Three - 16/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: I had a smoothie for breakfast and 2 hours later felt hungry I had drank a lot of water so i decided to eat a pear. I was still hungry after the pear my stomach was rumbling. My energy feels better this morning I am no longer drowsy. I was so hungry I had to have lunch earlier. After that I wasn't hungry at all but I made sure I had Dinner.
Exercise: 30 Minute Cardio
Sleep: I was so tired by the end of the day I went to bed at 10.30pm (Very early for me).

Day Four - 17/2/2017
Time Taken:
6.30am went back to sleep until 8am
Feelings: I feel very good today my energy levels are back up and I had an amazing sleep! I am following my diet very well and am not tempted to eat like I usually am (YAY ITS WORKING). No side effects today I made sure I drank a lot of water throughout the day.
Exercise: 30 Minute Cardio, 30 Minute Weights
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away at around 11:30pm

Day Five - 18/2/2017
Time Taken:
Feelings: After I took the tablet I got up and got ready and went to the gym. My energy was good today I wasn't tried at all during the day and felt no hunger pains. My mouth was pretty dry but I made sure I drank a lot of water.
Exercise: 2 hour cardio classes + 30 mins weights (very tiring)
Sleep: Fell asleep straight away at around 11:30pm

Day Six - 19/2/2017
Time Taken:
7:00am went back to sleep until 8.30am
Feelings: I felt great today no side effects at all. One of my best days on duromine I must say, I feel like all my side effects which I had when I first started are gone!
Exercise: Went for a very long walk with my dog all up did 11,000 steps!
Sleep: Haven't tried to sleep yet (it is 11.10pm)

WooooooOOOOOWWWW!!!! I love your updates! Very well! I am so excited for your today’s weigh in. So much effort already placed into a leaner self. Way to go! High five!!!

Congratulations with your side effects totally subsiding. What about the appetite suppression? DO you manage to stay away from cravings? It’s good that you don’t have any strong bouts of hunger. However, you do remember that you should eat small servings of healthy food at about the same intervals (3 hours) to boost your metabolic rate and enhance your weight loss, don’t you?

Hope you slept well last night and wish you a great day!!
I no longer crave food. I don't feel as hungry its good it actually feels like its working! I have no cravings what so ever and I feel that Duromine has really helped me begin my weight loss journey. I eat about 5 times a day 3 main meals and 2 snacks during the day I am calorie counting and trying to stay at around 1300 calories a day and so far I have done so well and have not cheated once! yay! and my sleep is good I just find I wake up earlier than I usually would!
Weigh In - Week One
Start Weight:
Current Weight: 75.1kgs
Total Weight loss: -2.6kgs

Day Seven - 20/2/2017
Time Taken: 7:00am
Feelings: No side effects today except the usual dry mouth when I work out. Today was a good day I felt like I had a good amount of energy! I brought myself a fitbit to keep track of my fitness and help me further by motivating me and I LOVE IT!
Exercise: Went to the gym for an hour cardio and went for a walk a few hours later. Did a total of 11,421 Steps today! wow
Sleep: Off to bed now (10:50pm) I am so tired!!
Congratulations on the loss!! That is great! 2.6 kilos is a fantastic 1-weeks achievement! You are so bravo! Now you know why you have been eating so correctly, why you had to refrain from any cheat treats and why you have been exercising so much. I am so happy for you!!!!!!!! I wish you a great result after the next week. Hope, you will continue to your plan and will push a little harder, where you can push a little harder. =)) After any victory, we should go forward and head to a new goal. Best of luck and have a nice day!
Thank you. Am I doing the blog thing correctly I am just replying in the comments?!
Hi! How is it going? You know, what you are doing with the blog is that you actually are commenting. You could be making a new blog entry every time you want to post something. However, my personal opinion is that it’s a bit messed up, when you have multiple entries and have to enter, search, find, and end up commenting the wrong entry. I prefer doing it in threads on forum. This way, more people notice your messages, give you support and ideas, share your happiness for the results and so on, so forth. You might consider the idea of opening a thread in this area of the forum: . At the moment, there are quite a few people, who are also going through Duromine experience and share their progress. You might find it useful or inspiring, or both. =) Hope you’re doing well and have a great mood in this lovely day!

PS. If you decide on opening a thread, you can copy+paste your blog messages there, so as to easy track keeping of your progress.
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Okay thank you I will try that!!

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Read time
1 min read
Last update

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