My experience so far... (Dianne)

  • Author Dianne Williams
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Hi all. Just thought I'd share my story with you guys. I started taking Metermine(generic version of Duromine) in early September weighing in at 146.5kgs(yup, that's a lot). The main reason I wanted to try this was because I had very bad back pain due to a bulged disc in my back caused by being so overweight and bad posture(I do a lot of heavy lifting and work 6 days a week). Before I started, I struggled a lot with motivating myself, let a lone sticking to a diet as I'd do good the first couple weeks eating good and excercising, but would had to stop working and take time off work due to being in excruciating pain as my disc would come in contact with my sciatic nerve, making it near impossible to bend let alone walk. I know my weight gain was self inflicted and I've accepted the fact that you can't feed and treat your body like crap and expect to feel healthy and look good. Growing up in an island family our cultural dishes are all very high in fat and sugar and also very rich and heavy foods. Most of my family are overweight and I am sadly one of them. We also didn't have a lot of money growing up due to my mother being a single mum and living in a town where there wasn't that many jobs vacant. My mum did what she could to feed and look after us and I'm very thankful for all she did. In my eyes she is both my King and queen :) Anyways, I decided to try out Duromine to help me kickstart my weight loss journey to help relieve my pain I was experiencing EVERYDAY. Some people see it as an easy way or a cheat to lose weight, but I don't. It needed to be done, I couldn't handle this pain anymore. So, in early September I finally decided to give it a try :) I was very anxious about taking it, as I had read a lot of bad stories and side affects from taking Duromine. But I was like 'ehh f$#k it, you won't know unless you try yourself'. My first day taking it, I had set my alarm for 6am as I work afternoon shift and I didn't want to be staying up all night looking at my ceiling struggling to sleep as I had read you can experience Insomnia. But luckily enough, I slept like a baby and still haven't experienced struggling to go to sleep(phew). The first 3 weeks I struggled with getting use to taking the pill everyday let alone knowing if I was hungry or not. I'd still gotten cravings but however, I'd cut out takeaways, fizzy drinks and junk food which took a lot of will power and still does now 2 months later but I knew I needed to really take care of my body and stop abusing it with bad foods as it had not only affected me physically but it also affected my confidence A LOT. I'm very lucky and thankful I didn't really experience any of the major side affects. My weightloss this far has been going very good. My back pain has subsided and I've also been able to incorporate not just healthy eating but physical activities too. As I take this journey I have learnt so much about healthy eating and also that being on a 'diet' will only make you lose weight, not maintain it. That is why I decided to change my whole lifestyle. E.g my eating habits, exercising not just to lose weight but to be able to become stronger and fitter, to have more confidence in myself. But mostly, to be doing this for MYSELF and no one else. I'm not gonna lie, I'm always faced with temptation everyday but, I just think of how unhappy and unhealthy I was emotionally, mentally and physically and I don't ever wanna go down that road again. Yes, I've eaten bad foods whilst on this journey but when you get to know about how many calories etc are in your food and how long it'll take to burn it off whilst excercising trust me, you'll rethink about eating that biscuit or burger. I believe it's fine to treat yourself now and then but I also believe hard work and determination is what will keep you on track and deter you from giving up on yourself. There's days now where I still doubt myself, but thankfully I have a lot of support and encourage from my husband, family and work colleagues. You need people to be there to motivate and encourage you when you feel like giving up, 'cause there will be times, trust me. So far on this journey I've lost 19.4kgs and I'm currently weighing 127.1kgs. I urge all of you who are thinking of taking Duromine to not think of it as a 'quick fix' because it's NOT! Yes, you will lose weight. But, will you be able to MAINTAIN it is the question? You must change your lifestyle, the way you think of yourself and your body and most of all what you put in it. Believe in yourself and have a good support team around you. It's not easy and there will be times where you want to give up but DONT. Make sure you ask yourself 'Am I doing this for me to be healthy or am I doing this to please the people around me' what everyone thinks about you whether it's good or bad is none of your business. It's what you think of yourself that truly matters. I hope my story encourages atleast one of you who are doing this. Good luck with your journey If you decide to use Duromine.
P.s If you have any questions feel free to comment or message me (im still trying to get the hang of this site lol) and hopefully I'll have time to comment back
It took a lot of guts to upload this pic but to be honest, I'm pretty damn proud of myself :)


Hi I have a similar issue with the back ...I'm on day 4 of duromine30 mg I'm praying I lose weight ....well done to u and I hope u get going to ur goal
Hey, I just finished reading your blog :) geez can't believe you have 2 months to lose 20kgs ?? Well I started Duromine in the start of September weighing 144.7kgs and last time I checked my weight 19/11/15 I weighed in at 125.7kgs. So you're really gonna have to give it your all these 2 months which I'm sure you will :) just try and keep your water intake up(I was drinking over 3ltrsper day) and stop eating after 7-8ish. Try and workout as much as you can. And to avoid being wide awake at 2am try taking your Duromine around 6am, therefore you'll sleep a lot easier. Oh and most importantly THINK POSITIVELY! That's something I struggle with but thinking positive about yourself boosts your will power a lot !
Get a good nights rest
Take your pill early in the morning to avoid being up all night.
Drink a lot of water( I start my mornings with water and lemon. That helps kick start your metabolism)
Have a big and healthy breakfast !
Workout as much as you can(even walking around the block helps!)
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
Try green tea( it helped heaps for me)
Drink water and green tea only. Avoid juices and fizzy drinks ohh and alcohol(that's a big no no)
When you're craving fast food. Have a sandwich and a bottle of water. Trust me it'll help ! :)
Good luck and God bless xx

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Dianne Williams
Read time
4 min read
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