My first weigh in

  • Author Kyles
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
so I had my weigh in and I lost 1.6kgs, this was over a 5 day period.
I know that won't seem a lot to some, but I am seriously happy, reason being I was on a long weekend away with my partner and this included eating out, although I was aware of my choices, there was no weighing or measuring of foods ,I just ordered ate what I wanted,but when my meals arrived I barely ate half,I was full, I was drinking a lot of water while away, I had a couple of glasses of wine, and the odd coke.
I had a Krispy creme donut just picked at it, couldn't eat it, no intense exercise, a lot of walking around tho. We ordered pizza last night,and I always loooove pizza , I had one piece, I picked at half a second slice I was done.
So our long indulging wknd is over, I intend to knuckle down, eat a lot better and start gym in a few days.
I really want to smash out a good result, I will weigh again in another 7 days..
So my SW 89.2 CW 87.6 GW 72
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