• Author Iwillbeskinny
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Ok so thought my first blog should be about me and my past issues with weight.
First of all I've always been a heavier girl since the age if 14 ( I dont really remember before that) by the time I was 15 I was weight around 85 kilos ( remembering im short at only 157 cms) , I lost that got down to 62 by the time I was 18, very dangerously though as I only ate oats for 6 months. Fell pregnant with my second child and sadly gained 30kgs was above 90 the day he was born. Ever since then I've been struggling to lose it.
Last yr at 23, 6 months after my 4th baby I was at my heaviest at 99 kgs I was upset that id let myself go that bad and new I needed to all back off.
So feb last yr I started the 5:2 diet, I managed by august last yr to get down to 92 kgs then sadly put on 4kgs bringing me back up to 96 by the time I went and seen my doc about it as I was struggling. He straight away prescribed me duromine 30mgs. Which didn't help me at all for that whole month I didn't lose a single frame but I did maintain so I guess thata a plus. Went back to the doc and let him know that it wasn't helping so he upped my dose to 40 mgas. I finally was able to purchase them beginning of december, by the time the 1st of january rolled around I sas finally below 90 hadn't been that low in 6yrs I weighed on at 88.5. 86 if you went by doc scales but I started my original weight loss on mine so I've continued relying on mine. He gave me another script for 40mgs which I sadly could only just afford to purchase last week and ended up getting down to 85kgs but sadly blew put and went back up to 90.2


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