MY Mini goals for WEEK 5 .....

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
1) LEIGH ,DRINK extra water!!!!! ....
Struggling with :
constipation, in a
person whose lifestyle and eating
patterns have changed. These include:
Eating less, and eating less fibre;
Drinking less; Inactivity;Medicines,Iron tablets
I have only started to struggle with this since being on 40mg, I drink 6 bottles of 375ml of water a day ,at night another 3 bottles, I also eat Muesli most mornings, but I am drinking magnesium tablets and wondering if that is what's making me constipated the last three days ??? not eating ALL meals ,been eating oranges and apples instead of main meals for lunch the last three days, but still constipated ..any suggestions??

2)LEIGH Eat ALL main meals and fruit, Every day!!!!....

Not eating ALL meals ,been eating oranges and apples instead of main meals for lunch the last three days, but still constipated ..any suggestions??

3)LEIGH Keep moving!!! ....
Made a mini gym area on the weekend in the house, in the hope that I will stick to my exercise plan EVERYDAY ...

4 )Leigh ,Get on the scale ONCE a week only!!! , not on a Monday morning after the weekend, AS I have realised since yesterday, that I use the scale to determine/ justify whether I need to exercise or eat ALL my calories for the day....TOTAL SABOTAGE !!! don't you think ??? ..

week 5 is my biggest challenge yet, as I am equipped now in every area for my weight loss and lifestyle change to only WORK FOR ME not against me,and I have set a MINI WEIGHT LOSS GOAL this week as well ...

6)LEIGH ,you need to lose 1.4kg this week to reach your FIRST mini goal .. MAYBE TOO MUCH PRESSURE ???... going to go for it anyway ... may your week ahead be one of triumph everyone !!!
5) LEIGH ,You HAVE to sleep earlier and more hours .... I have had my worst sleeping pattern since being on 40mg, I only get to bed, after 12pm some nights 2pm, my body is dog tired my mind says keep going ,once my head hits the pillow I am out for a count ,but the last three days, I lie there thinking I am falling asleep ,and the slightest movement or noise from my hubby next to me startles me, and I lie tossing and turning .. Not Enjoying these side effects so far .. Hoping that this week (which will be week 2 on D40mg} will be better, if not ,I will go back to 3Omg..

6)LEIGH ,you need to lose 1.4kg this week to reach your FIRST mini goal .. MAYBE TOO MUCH PRESSURE ???... going to go for it anyway ... may your week ahead be one of triumph everyone !!!
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Inhale Exhale Leigh, too much pressure on yourself wont do you any favour. You are doing just fine, dont push yourself so much be pround of what you already achived and your doing all this changes for yourself , you already picked up so many Healthy choices. Maybe its time for you too look in a mirrow and see those changes, and you gotta love yourself no matter how you look because you are you and your unique. Please take it easy , you know that you are in control of your body so give it some love ;)

As for constapation, try to have Dinner early and watch your Sodium( Salt) intake , it can make you heavier also. And you know too much Fibre isnt good, and watch how many Cups of coffee you have. Drink your water! Medication can also trigger constapation. If you still feel the same after you tryed everything maybe go to the chemist and ask what you can take to relive your problem.

Take care;)
Thank you Hotfizz..I eat dinner at 5pm, when Hubby gets home ... Drinking loads of water , maybe too much ?? more that a litre is not good right ?? it depletes your natural potassium levels in your body ..not a salt person, meaning I never add salt to food, so much sodium in food already ...Drink two coffees a day,.....Thinking it could be the fibre Hotfizz, It is new to my diet ,and it is gluten free, I am not a gluten free person usually but do you think Gluten Free could upset a non gluten free persons tummy ?I might need to do some research on that one ...Maybe fibre every second day ?? ...Had a egg today and a gr8 work out did a cardio /calorie fitness test work out, I sure have a long way to go, so unfit ,according to the statistics in my treadmill , hahaha.. NOTE TO SELF ,BABY STEPS LEIGH ...Thanks again Hotfizz wil ltake in everything you have shared.. :)

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