My Review

  • Author gwen10
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Current Stats:
Start weight: 112 kg
Current weight: 112 kg
Goal weight: 80 kg
goal weight loss:32 kg
time period: 9 weeks

Goals : 11 GOALS
I have 11 goals and they are:

1. loose +-5 kg a week
2. change eating habits
3. exercise regularly
4.week 2 100 kg weigh in
5. week 3 below 100 weigh in
6. week 4 dropped 2 dress size
7. week 5 be in the overweight bmi category
8. week 6 weight loss total of 15+ kg
9. week 7 be in the 80-90 kg category
10. week 8 Lowest weight in 7 years =85
11.week 9 weigh in 80 kg.

My goal is to be a healthy 80 kg.

Goal status:
1. Get to 107 kg. - (achieved)
week 1 results
SW:112 kg
CW:106.9 kg
WL: 5.1 kg week 1


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Read time
1 min read
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