My Story So Far (Stay tuned as its only week one lol)

  • Author shazzabig
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Starting stats
Age: 29
Weight: 126.3Kg
Height: 171cm
Start Date: 2/11/2014

My Story,
I have struggled with my weight for the past ten years. I was a very athletic person until I had a major injury. Things snowballed from there. Had one health issue after another and three kids. My weight just kept going up. I have previously lost weight but seem to hit a wall at ten kilo.
I went to my Dr a few months ago about my weight. It had started effecting my mental state. I thought my hubby was embarrassed to take me out and I had lost all my confident. I just wanted to lock myself away. When he first mentioned it I said no. I was scared to take it. He told me to come back in a month if I hadn't lost any from doing it the traditional way. In that month I invested in a trainer. Four sessions a week plus a gym membership costing me $220 every week. In that month I lost 800grams. I was heart broken. I still didn't go to the Dr for another couple of months.
I went to the Dr Thursday 30th Oct and Started that Sunday.

My diet this week.
My diet has been very little. I tend to have a optislim shake for breaky and lunch. I also try to have a piece of fruit. I have young children so I always have dinner with them. I don't want them thinking not getting is okay. I have a very small dinner low in calories and always very clean. I have been having a min of 3L of water a day too.

Symptoms so far:
NONE!!! Well sorry I lied. None that you hear about most the time. The tablets haven't given me any extra energy. Infact it has made me really tired. I thought it may be the detox and decrease in food but a week in and there is no improvement. I notice the tablets don't last the whole day either. I start coming down at about 1pm (Take my tablet at 6am). My Dr said he will increase me to 40mg if this doesn't improve. The main reason we wanted to use the tablets is to help with my fatigue.

My Goal
I have around 7 weeks till Christmas. I would love to be under 100 when we go back home but I highly doubt I will get there (23kilo need in 7weeks). So I am going to aim for 105kg. This still puts me under the weight I was when we moved away. I really don't want to go back and see family I haven't seen for two years the size I am now.

I am a day short of a week and I have lost 3.5 kilo. I weigh every day and lost no weight for three days this week. I assume its because I had my monthly friend.

Anyways that's it for now. Would love to hear all your stories too.
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Update on my week one loss. 4.1kg in a week. Must admit I was hoping for more. I am hoping it was the three days of no weight loss due to that time of month. Will see what next week brings
Hi Shazzabig
I know it is scary to start on D. I had similar fears.
In the first few weeks you feel like not eating. This is great! but not really. With young kids you need your energy. If you are feeling really tired that is a sign you are not eating enough. It will slow your weight loss too. Using the D to help you develop new habits that you can transfer to when you no longer have the D is the way to ensure that you can be one of those who do not put it all back on once you no longer have the pills.
I started by doing Lite n easy and now I record everything. I try to keep my calories between 100-1200 a day. I have reduced my portion sizes dramatically.
Shakes can be good to kick start your weight loss but you can't maintain this type of eating for a long time. I have the occasional shake but, personally, I'm not a huge fan of them... Too sweet and I need to eat 'real' food.
Sounds like you are doing things right though. 4.1 kilos loss in the first week is fantastic and about what I did too. The huge losses that you hope for are not the norm. Your first week, for most, will be the biggest loss you have. Mine has averaged out to 1-2 kilos a week. Don't set your goals too high, it will only serve to discourage you. Celebrate every 5 or 10 kilo loss. Every time you venture into a new decade e.g. get below 120, should be a great day. 7 weeks is a long time. so if you say 'I will be under 120 in the next two weeks' then you can reassess and look towards your next goal. Makes it easier and you feel less like you have failed. If you smash it in one week you will feel like a hero!
Are you exercising? I know this is hard to do with young people to look after. If you can't get formal exercise into your routine try to get a pedometer or movement tracker (I have a misfit shine) It is amazing how it can motivate you to move more. When I started to track my movement I put it on and went about my regular routine..... I found that I am very efficient with my movement (don't move much at all), then I began with a low target (6000 steps/day) and gradually increased over time (I now regularly hit 1200 -1500)
Good luck with your journey. I wish you success and will look forward to seeing how you go.
Just as an indication.... I am a similar height to you and started at 117kg. 20 weeks later and I have lost around 25 kilos. My first week I lost 4.2 and I have steadily lost between 0.2 and 2.8 in all but 3 of the weeks following Those 3 weeks I did not lose, I put on only 0.3-0.5. It is a steady, long term process. But I am doing Great. You cannot be on the D forever (most doctors only allow 3 months at a time) I am on a break ATM and finding the skills I have developed are staying with me (for the most part) even though the D makes it much easier.
The site here is a wonderful support.
Thanks so much for your comment.

I have been reading through your blog and was the reason I started mine. Fantastic work on the weight loss. I hope I have a similar result but honestly I am so happy just to see the weight change.
My calories have been a bit low. We have our own business and the way I deal with stress is by not eating. This week has been one of those weeks however I am making a conscious effort to increase it to atleast 1000 cal. This should help with the tiredness. Well fingers crossed anyways.

I am back at gym as of tomorrow. I love exercise and for someone my size I am quiet fit. I had three weeks off though. My mental state just wasn't in the game. I do feel much better now the Dr and I have a action plan. I don't feel as lost and like I am walking through a forest and its dark and scary.

I have hope and that is something I haven't had in such a long time.

Sharon xx
(PS Great name you have :) )
Hi Shazz I agree 100% with what smick said, just remember your not alone we are all on the same journey .... This forum had been amazing for me... I can be truely honest and no one is judging me , they all support me and likewise I support them :);) you have had a fantastic first week loss congrats :) don't get to disappointed if it slows down a bit.. I suggest take your measurements now and do it again in a months time, I also take my measurements on the weeks that I don't lose as usually I have lost cm which really makes you feel better:) ...have a great week & stay motivated
I credit my blog with keeping me focused.
Keep blogging.
It is great to put your thoughts, no matter how crazy they seem, down on paper. Many times I have had an issue and began writing, only to have sorted it out by the end of my post. It is also nice to know there are all these people going through exactly the same things that I am going through. Everyone here is supportive when it is often hard to find that support in your everyday world. Family and friends cannot understand and often will judge without knowing the facts.
When I started reading you post it's honestly like it was about me. I'm also 29 also had 3 kids 10 2 and another 2 year old ( 10 months apart) also had a massive injury and surgery in 2007 and since then have never been able to play sports again and started gaining from then at a steady pace until I had my 2 boys one after another when I piled it on. 3 times I have tried with diet and exercise and lost 10ish kgs and then I hit a dead end or get chocky and start allowing myself treats and it snowballs after a year of ups and downs I tried really hard and lost 7 kgs and then I just stayed the same for 3 months. Then started to gain again, I went to the doc had blood tests and saw a dietician exercise therapist and still nothing so he started me on 40 mg. I've just started my 3rd month and have lost about 14 kgs. I'm 183cm tall so even though that seems like a lot I haven't dropped a size ( clothes looser nut not loose enough to go down a size) so that's a little disheartening. I started at 118 and would like to get down to 75 (my pre kid weight) so 31 kgs to go. I desperately want to get under 100 before Christmas but I had aimed to get to 90.I would be happy at 85 as that was my weight when I met my partner and I feel like a giant whale next to him. I was told my my doctor duromine is a 3 month programme. Is this what everyone else has been told

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2 min read
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