Need advice!! 30mg Side affects after 3rd time being on duromine

  • Author Tiarne
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey all, After some advice!
This is my 3rd time using duromine its been 6months since my last trial.
My first two times i had no side affects appart from not sleeping as much but still slept! (Im on 30mg day 4)
First night i was up until midnight
Second night i was up until 3:30am woke at 6:30 charged through the day even went out to dinner with friends!
I have been feeling nausea!
Most usual food i eat taste TERRIBLE like to the point i will not eat it
(and i dont have a dry mouth)
I've had slight headaches here & there.
Little things make me feel like i want to cry i hold it back but its there! Those tears wanna come out lol
All of this is so strange to me as i havent has any side affects the past two times being on it!
Has anyone else experienced this!?
I also feel like this lot is stronger almost like they've improved the ingredients or something :/
Anywho some help would be muchly appricated
thankyou so much!!


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