New and disappointed :(

  • Author Brenna
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello Everyone!

Im on Day 8 of Duromine 30mg.. I'm 18 years old, I am 168cm tall my SW: 89.7kg my CW: 88.3kg
My goals are to be 81kg or 77kg when I finish my 1st month on Duromine.

I am on a diet plan of eat 1,200 calories a day and I seem to be doing fine with it. I've been doing 1 hour to 45mins of exercise every 2nd day.

The only side effect I have had has been dry mouth and headaches.. but I think it is withdrawals from coffee as I am barista I used to have a coffee every day!! I'm on 8 days caffeine free! however I think i hyped myself up on how much I will loose on the 1st week. I read a lot of people dropped 2 or 3 kgs in the first week on duromine where as I have lost 1 in 8 days..... yes its good but I thought it would be better. I've been recommend by my doctor that I stay away from the scales until the 24th of September which is my weigh in for the first month on Duromine..

Is there any tips of tricks to help me loose more weight.. I can't go to gym in mornings as I start work at 5am every morning.. I eat oats or yogurt for breakfast... I eats avocado and salad for lunch and for dinner I have a calorie controlled weight watches meal or lean cuisine meal; which is like 400 cal.. all I drink 3 litres of water a day and I'm active all day as I'm a waitress and barista always on my feet moving around. I do little cardio exercises at home and Wednesday Fridays Saturday I do atleast 1.45hours at the gym cardio, weights etc....

what else can I do :(. I just want to speed things up..


Hello Brenna. First of all, welcome into this friendly Duromine community! And now to your question… If you didn’t really change anything in your nutrition, I mean if you were already eating quite healthy, your weight might not be reducing as fast as you wish. You can try alternating your daily caloric value. It does help some people shift the weight. You can either have two days, when you eat less than 800 calories and continue with your 1200 plan, or have 2 days at 1400 and continue with 1200 further on.

Still, any loss is great, and you should not get discouraged from the very start. Everything takes time, and the more kilograms people need to lose, the more they lose at the beginning. You should not measure your success by someone else’s success. Keep up with proper eating and active lifestyle and the ball will start rolling faster. Best of luck and believe in yourself no matter what!
Hi Brenna! I just realized I didn’t offer you anything to help you introduce some physical activity. I am sure you do take a morning shower. Is there a possibility to spend 5-10 minutes before the shower for a session of 5-7-minute HIIT or Tabata or Plank exercises? These do magic to your body and might actually help you boost your metabolic rate. Then the shower and off to work. =)) Think of it, or, better, do it. Might be hard to start, but the results will make you go on and on. Have a great week!

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