New thinking!

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well today has been better. I ate a bigger breakfast before going to the gym and I was able to do my three sets. I am also increasing my dinner so hopefully all will be good :)

I was also thinking, last Sunday, the day before I started duromine, I had a massive day out with my boyfriend for our anniversary, full of yummy fatty foods. So I might have not actually started off at 100kg as I first thought. I may have been 101 or 102 and so Im being positive in thinking that I have lost more then 1.7 kilos :p. But anyway I downloaded an app to track my weight loss and have set some new, more realistic goals for myself.

Start weight: 100kg (26.08.13)
Week One: 98.7kg (02.09.13)
Goal: 70 kg (26.02.13) Exactly six months away.
Mini Goal: 85kg (09.12.13) Holiday to Surfers Paradise

According to this app if I continue to loose about a kilo a week or 5kilos in a month I will be on track. This I can deal with. I need something to show me that my efforts aren't taking me no where and this app is great!

Anywhooo I'm finished thinking out loud lol night all!
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