Note to self never ever listen to trainer!!!!

  • Author shazzabig
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So silly me listened to my trainer and stopped duromine. This was only after three weeks. Lets just say it was a massive FAIL.

I had thought I was doing really well as I had no sugar craving (while on duro) I never ever thought that the duro mine would be stopping the cravings. When I stopped for the 4 days lets just say they came back ten fold. I though after three weeks I should be right but I was so wrong. My trainer told me when you come off cocaine (he thinks that's what Duro is) you will look for sweets. Its like when drugo's get the mucnhies. I can't be sure if it was the coming off the duro or if they were ligament cravings.

I spent the weekend a mess. I was so disappointed in myself. I honestly thought having no sugar craving was my determination to lose weight. In fact it was just the duro. I am not as strong as I thought I was. I was weak to my cravings on the week and it halted my weight loss and dropped me out of ketosis. I am so disappointed in myself.

I have started back on Duro today and I am juts not telling my trainer. I set myself a goal and my dr and I set a plan for Duro. I am going to stick to it and smash my goal.

Anyways now to some positive new. In the three weeks I have been taking duro I have dropped 6.1 kilo. I am aiming for the big 10kilo loss by the 19/12 (my 30th). I feel absolutely positive that I will smash that goal.

I am off to the Dr tomorrow and we are going up to 40mg. My trainer will really hate that. Although I do understand his point I need to do what is right for me at this stage.

Hope you are all smashing your goals.

Best Wishes
Sharon xx


There are a lot of people out there who are very against Duromine.
Many of them have never tried it and get their information from all the bad news stories.
Yes, Duromine can be abused and if you are only relying on D and do not change your lifestyle you will gain the weight back quickly once you go off it. BUT. If you use it to help you to develop good habits and are educated and sensible with it, Duromine can be a great help to support your weight loss.
It is not a first resort. Most people who have been prescribed it have tried many other things and failed to lose their weight.
It is not an easy road. You need to put a huge effort in to get lasting results.
There are side effects. That is why you are monitored by a doctor.
Used in the correct way, with appropriate support Duromine can be a wonderful tool to get you on track to a healthier you.
As with many things, it is the small minority who abuse it, that give it a bad name.
I had a very close friend get very angry at me for taking D. I thought she was someone who would be supportive but the abuse I received from her was quite hurtful. I quickly learned that you have to be very selective who you tell. Not because you are doing something that you should be ashamed of, but because people do not understand, they have preconceived ideas about D and have only seen and heard the bad stuff. That is where the forums and blogs here are so helpful. Here I know that people understand and will listen and be encouraging.
Your trainer probably firmly believes that D is BAD. Ideally it would be great if we were all able to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. Some people also believe it would be great if we could all avoid all sugar, fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol, be vegan, run a marathon each day, never use motorised transport....... you get my drift. Not everyone can get up early to exercise. When you have a lifetime of habits to break it is very difficult to change and stick to that change for long enough to see and sustain any results.
When your choices are: (which mine were)
1. Develop diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, have a lower quality of life, a risk of cancer and disease that is much higher because of your weight and die young because you are morbidly obese.
2. Lap band surgery
3. Duromine and a healthy lifestyle change
4. Fail AGAIN at trying to lose the weight without Duromine.
Let's just say, I chose the third option.
My friend who abused me for taking D can now see that it did not turn me into a psycho speed freak! I was the same me, most of the time, just way more motivated. She can see that I have stuck to my healthy lifestyle now for long enough to see some amazing results. It has only changed me in a good way. Now that I am mostly off the D, I have continued my weight loss and have developed good skills to see me through. She is proud of my achievements. When I stopped taking D I still lost weight and have not "put it all back on" like she predicted. She can see that I have put in a huge effort and that the D is just one of the tools I have used.
Not everyone has to know that you are on Duromine. Just like they don't need to know if you are taking anything else, like antidepressants or insulin or contraceptives or paracetamol. It does not effect them at all. The only people who need to be concerned are yourself and your GP.
As long as you are doing what is right for you.
Totally agree with everything you said.
I have started taking them again because I want this time to be the last time I have the weight loss battle. Christmas is coming up and I am determined to stay good during it. I am so committed to this that for the first time in my life I think stuff what everyone else thinks.
I was going to go up to 40mg today but Dr and I have decided to stay on the 30mg. I like that I don't get the energy boost and that I am still somewhat hungry. I feel like I can better succeed if I am tired and forcing myself to be active or if I am hungry and know I don't need to eat. I am still learning.
I am so excited with what is ahead of me.
We walk this journey alone, I am afraid ,outside of this forum we do ... Nobody can understand if they have not been there or tried it ..I am NOT A pill lover, hated taking pills as a child and adult, and would endue pain before relief, and then came D, hahaha.. side effects sure, like all meds, but the person who takes them is supposed to be responsible and usually have a doc script and is monitored and joins the forum like this one ... boxes all ticked for you and me Smick.... So those who have opinions usually do not have insight to these things, or have done it under the table, and been burnt by it , or do not have responsable doctors ...KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DOING Smick ....
Yes, girls, unfortunately this long and stressful journey we have to go through almost alone. Our lifestyle is not just what we want to do, but what our parents taught us to do mostly(( It is hard to change things all of a sudden. The worst thing that our families (in general) won't help us. Our hubbies and children love to eat all that junk food and ain't agree to support us on this path. Well, they have their rights to choose, but a little help would be nice ;)
I hear a lot from you that sweet stuff and chocolate are your biggest temptations, but it is all about calorie intake not just cutting off all sugar. To make it easier - just count how many calories a day you should eat and make yourself a reward of a small chocolate bar by reducing some calories from other food during the day. This might help.
And I agree, you should not tell everyone you are taking D. No point, ignorance of many is actually a common thing these days :rolleyes:
Sharon, you are determined, you do it great. If you feel, you can't live without sweets, just make up your own calorie plan. At least if you know you CAN eat a little piece of a chocolate, you will sleep calm))). Stay strong! We are always here to listen.
Thanks Ladies.

I haven't told anyone I am on D only my trainer and hubby. I don't know if I haven't told anyone because I am ashamed to be on it or if people will say my weight loss has come from that. I don't think people realize you still need to work hard to lose weight on D. Its not a magic pill. I don't want people crediting my weight loss to it. Its my hard work and determination that's making me lose weight. D of course is aiding it but not to the extent people think.

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