Off Duromine dont feel good:/

  • Author HotFizz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey there

I have been off Duromine (30 mg) for 5 days, it helped with my weight loss i am down to 80 kg;) i still have 15 kg to reach my desired weightloss but saying that i am happy enough even if i reach 70 kg . I really feel like Sh$@ after this, my energy are down i am more tired then ever seriously i have 9 1/2 months old boy and he keeps waking up at night , when i was on Duromine i felt great and could cope with him waking i didnt feel tired at all. But now its lsike a train hit me hard, dont know what i should do, this tells me how my body got used to this drug. Anyone knows any great vatamin or anything thats great like duromine not for dieting just like a energy pill .. Gosh .. I already take vitamin B , but thats not enough to get me through the day.

Well just be aware of when you get off the the super pill your energy will hit low and if you have a baby then it will hit rock bottom .. Lol.

Chat to you soon, i am still around just not enough time .

Start:95 kg
current:80 kg
Next Goal :75

Main Goal 65kg.


This is what I am truly scared of.
I will have been on the D for 6 months (or more) when I stop. I really want to do it gradually.
I hope you feel better soon.
Hi Fizz.
Try looking at a B12 injection, it really does boost your energy levels.
Did you leave it all at once or gradually?
When I got to month two, I started taking my D every second day and not over a weekend so that I could get use to the lack of energy. When I left it completely, I had no energy drops, thankfully.

Good Luck with the rest of you 15kg - keep us updated on how you are doing without the D
I really feel sick i have been vometing feel really dizzy , didnt eat a thing today everything came out. Did not think this was gongnto happen , yes i was 3 months on it and when i reached my last one i just stopped using it. I never ever in my life felt as bad as this, seriously gotta be careful with this drug. I am hoping i will feel better tomorrow if not gotta go visiti Gp, and takemit easy on My weightloss diet . Thank you all, good luck and please be careful ;)
Get well, HotFizz(((
Still, thank you for your post and this experience. People need to know what else can be, not only good effects. Because this is a medication in the first place. I wish you be healthy as soon as possible!

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