On track?

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I have stopped weighing myself every day because it was a little depressing, and I hope if I look at it on Monday there will be a bigger difference. I am getting my personal trainer friend to give me the full weigh in so I'll know lots of details like muscle gain and fat loss. So If i haven't lost any kilos hopefully I have lost fat and built muscle which will help in the fat burning in the long run.

What I do everyday:
0800 - Wake up and have tablet with water
0815 - Breakfast (One egg omelette with tabouli mixed in) with coffee to stop constipation... yuck!
1200 (10:00 weekends) - Gym for 1 - 1.5 hours. Have a banana afterwards
1400 - Lunch: If I feel like it I'll have a chicken wrap, otherwise I just have some green tea.
1600 - Go to work. Have a peice of fruit (apple or mandy) half way through shift.
2030 - Home and make dinner. Usually a small piece of stake with steamed veggies and a green tea.
2400 - Go to sleep.

I already had a thirst craving before starting Metermine so I'm used to drinking lots of water.
I drink almost 2L of water just at the gym.
And probably another 2 - 3L throughout the day.
I don't really drink anything else unless the off chance I go out with a friend I'll have a vodka, lime and soda or a vodka lemonade if I'm feeling naughty :)

I don't have any problems sleeping, though I do go to bed pretty late anyway. I have, however, been getting woken up by this stupid bird every morning at 6am and find it hard to get back to sleep. I usually lie awake thinking of ways to ... kill ... it lol. But when I finally get up at 8 I'm wide awake which Is unfortunate coz I love a sleep in lol.

If there is anything I might need to fix can someone give me a heads up.

Thanks :)


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