One week in - 30mg

  • Author Rahwah
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I'm on day 6 of using 30mg for the first time.

I'm having lotttttts of side effects - the first and second days it was like I was on speed, buzzing hard, eyes wide open, SUPER focused, i even found my chin moving from side to side while working at my computer! I was afraid to have my morning coffee! Increased heart beat, the need to take the occasional big deep breath, talkative and happy, really fractured sleep, trouble falling asleep and waking up earlier than usual with know way known to man of getting back to sleep. This led to a strange feeling on day 3 of over stimulation mixed with tiredness. By night 3 I felt so overstimulated I had to lie down in a dark room at 8.30pm and I didn't come out again till morning! Sleep was a long time coming and really crap.

Both days i had like a hot rush through my body about 2 -4 hours after taking the capsule (which I'm taking at 6.30am).

I could feel the physical sensation of hunger pangs and feel that my stomach was empty however the desire to eat was nil.

Nausea through second half of the day alternating with what felt like two big knots in my stomach. Slight constipation alternating with slight diarrhea.
Cotton dry mouth, massive water increase.

Days 3 and 4 this all started to calm down a bit. Days 5 and 6 things calmed down even more, with a solid night sleep last night. Today (day 6), I had jittery hands. Still feeling speedy but at the same time calm.

I timed my heartbeat today, normally I sit at around 76, was lying down resting and was at 98. It feels like my heart is high up in my chest of you get what I mean.

I've had a read through a lot of the forum posts and can't really see anyone has also had this range of symptoms?

Anyway! About the appetite/eating bit -
It's like the drug is telling me exactly how much to eat, portion sizes. There's not really any second guessing, it's like i just know.

Have noticed I'm not interested in picking at food while I'm cooking/preparing it. Only having decaf. Alcohol doesn't really interest me. I still have hunger pangs but because the desire to eat is all but gone I'm making sure I'm eating 3 solid meals a day, especially starting the day right with breakfast. Craving fresh fruit.

It's occasionally tempting to get all dysfunctional and not eat but the reason I'm doing this is to get the healthy habits right for when I stop taking it.

It's very different because for someone my size there is obviously an issue with appetite, knowing when to stop, always going for more etc etc. Is this the kind of appetite normal people have??????

I'm exercising (currently approx 20 mins HIIT) x5 per week. I jump on the scales Tuesday a.m, will be interested to see the result.
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A loss of 700g in the first week. Can someone tell me the point of taking this drug and putting up with the shit side effects, not to mention the cost. ... when i could have lost that much on my own no problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

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