One week today

  • Author Rita cachia
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Hello everyone,
I'm new here today and would like to share my weight loss journey with you if I may.
Started Duromine 30mg last friday 11 th April 2014 .I read a lot of reviews about the product so I was a bit sceptical to tell the truth. Last friday I weighed 87.6 Kg and I am 5'8" tall.

So I got home with my new pack of Duromine and I thought, what if 30 is too much to start with so I split two capsules in half. I had some empty capsules and put the other half in an empty capsule.I also have a precision scales which i bought online which is terrific for medicine.

So I took 15mg for the first 4 days. Side effects were headaches, a bit dizzy on the first day,
a bit more energy than usual and could not sleep and more thirsty.
My blood pressure was up for those 4 days that's why I got the headache. I have a blood pressure monitor. Very handy.Ok so far so good.
I took the capsules at 6 am everyday.
I noticed that I didn't need a big breakfast like I usually do, I was full with just some porridge and a banana for potassium as I was urinating a bit more than usual due to the extra thirst.
I had a small lunch when I started yawning around 2pm ,I was happy with a small protein bar and one sushi. Lots of water.

Around 4pm when I get home from work I have my decaf coffee and a small muffin, I make myself.

Evening meal; would be a bit of rice, chicken and vegs. I couldn't eat all my rice. I only had a cupful

I the evening I had only one scoop of icecream instead of two.

Day five six seven upped the dose to 20 mg cause the weight loss was very slow.

Meals the same.

To help me sleep I had two panadols which always make me sleep well.

The headaches are gone , my blood pressure is back to normal and today I weighed in at
Happy happy happy 1.5 kg loss
I don't want to loose the weight too quick cause that is not healthy. Skipping meals is not healty,
So I believe I'm doing it right with a balanced diet , smaller portions and have been walking everyday cause now i have the energy to do it.
just get on the treadmill in front of the tv with Gangnam Style on full volume and off i go 10 minutes
have a break and go back after an hour. feels great. i also like zumba youtube clips.
All up it feels great. I needed something to help me with my hunger, so if I could get used to eating smaller portions with the help of Duromine I'm sure I could keep up the new lifestyle when I stop them.
I will start on 25 mg on Sunday and if I'm still losing about a kilo a week or one and half I will stick to it also saving some money as this way the pack will go for longer than 30 days as they are so expensive.

Catch up next week


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Rita cachia
Read time
3 min read
Last update

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