Party prep

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day fifty two on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Forgot breakfast today, did the 4 mile walk / workout and ate a mandarin.. I guess that qualifies as a late breaky :) my mum and little sister came over and i gave them a plate of cake each- the sooner the evil chocolate oozing thing is out of my fridge the better. Had some salad with roast chicken for lunch, it was a yummy pleasant surprise brought back by my dad and lil mans father. For tea i ate 2 chicken shazlicks. 2 litres of water today. Stressing about birthday party next Saturday, lots to organize yet and knowing how i responded after my last weigh in makes me somewhat apprehensive given that if i am devastated by the numbers Thursday it will only make the prep that evening and all the next day more dangerous with all the readily available treats surrounding me. Then there will be the party itself. Just got to stay strong, but then that's easy for me to say NOW.. I only ever worried about subjecting myself to other people at celebrations prior to dieting and duramine now the food is going to be a massively big factor. Ah well griping about it won't help any :).


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