Phen-Pro experiement

  • Author Catharina
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello durominators :laughing:
As i wrote before i have been doing a couple of researches by myself on duromine. The duromine effect gone off for me lately and i honestlly bern eating a bit more(also due to my hormones and period).
So i been thinking about Phen Pro, and you know what is interesting? I didnt even knew it exists something like that! I just noticed that i started to feel very depressed and moodless latelly,so as i have Prozac at home(due to been using it before but for other cause) ,i was thinking to try to mix them cause prozac should deal with that depression and chest pain issues. Then i type on net: Can i mix phen and prozac and voila!! It already exists i couldnt believe it... so after reading about it and so on, i decided to try. I tried my first dose today with 30 mg of duromine and 10 mg of prozac. The situation is next:
- I am in the bus travelling , just took the morning duro and prozac as well. After half hour , i notice very mild calmness . Then as the time was passing i was more and more happy and more and more excited! My dopamine and serotonin levels rise up ! But not over with it... it made phentermine works better as well!! after long time i got that mild speedy buzz and energy . Not like the speed rush ,more feeling not tired at all, full of energy and life and willing to do sooo many things... the effect lasted very long maybe till 8-9 in the evening. Little dry mouth,little heart speed rate but nothing uncomfortable more over i really felt sooo awsome!!! I did ate, even do i havnt been hungry,i did ate a lot ,but today i wanted to eat a bit free , so tommorow i can kick start my test! while taking only phen i would stay till 3 am no problem, i do feel now a bit tired and could comfortable fall a sleep . Tommorow will be the most important test... I have in mind to start a very low carb diet so i can get rid of water weight, and kilos. I put myself on goal for -5 kg minimum in next 10 days... i know i can do it...
Regarding phen pro,this was maybe one of the great experiements (at least for me i dont suggest anybody to do on their behalf)! But my experience is great... my apetite is gone again lots of energy and will find a way to keep it like that... Wish me luck and keep me updated if you need something . I will be happy to help ✨


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