Plodding Along

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi followers!
I have been quiet during the past few weeks, as work has been extremely hectic and to be perfectly truthful, the only thing I've felt like doing is chillin on my couch after work.
Upon my 6 wek checkup with my doctor, I told him I found that I was getting used to 30mg so he has given me 40mg for one cycle.
So . . . I have still been working out nicely in the mornings. I reached a milestone last Sunday and ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes. I haven't done that for about 18 months as it's not an easy thing to do when you're carrying extra weight.
Speaking of weight . . . I am now down to 63.2kg. Another 200gms and I've officially lost a sack of spuds! Had the most funnest afternoon last Saturday trying on some of my old clothes that I'd "grown out of" only to find they actually fit me again. Cheapest new wardrobe ever!!! I fear that if I am not careful even those clothes will look too big on me but that's a problem I can quite happily cope with. Til next time, here's a song that I've found so relevant since I started my journey - start and the now. Hope you enjoy it and can also relate!

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