
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Day two on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Its abit early in day two but it's day two nonetheless :p feeling much more positive this morning and much refreshed. By 8pm last night i was starting to hit my second wind and worried i wouldn't sleep but i got a solid 4-5 hours in and woke up buzzed. That is definitely a result of the duramine.. Generally it can take me hours to fall asleep while my brain runs non stop like a bug eyed hamster on caffeine but then i sleep loooooooooooong hours and im very sluggish and lethargic when i do eventually wake up. No dragging myself out of bed :laughing: i went PING and I'm up. I could totally get used to this. No dry mouth as others have noted, yet. Although i wont take my second tablet til 5am in the hope i can stabilise a sleeping pattern. I am however on my first litre of water, i noticed yesterday i drank almost 3 litres whilst i was up in the wee hours.. Then next to nothing during the latter part of the day. It's perhaps a bit early to believe i have established a habit but it seems like a good time of day to up my fluid intake, i will need to try and drink more during the day too.
It sounds odd to say that there are never enough hours in the day when you are very immobile, essentially living in a vegetative state, doing the bare minimum to just scrape through the day. It's also a pretty sad existence. I suppose its a lack of energy coupled with depression at your reality and perhaps i am being overly optimistic but i know logically the more you do, the more you want to do and have the energy to do so i will be doing a little more each day until eventually- its not so hard any more. It's not going to be easy sure but I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the buzz :)
Now i just need to decide how best to implement my 'alone time' in the mornings so i am doing something productive AND quiet.. Feel like i am in a vault scene criss crossed with lasers and if i sneeze or breathe in the wrong direction I'm going to set off an alarm, a very loud alarm who needs his sleep. It might be the right time to start that course i am always talking about taking (externally of course) and have never had time for. Take initiative.
I didn't eat very well yesterday. I had rice crackers and dip for breakfast at around 5.30 am then didn't eat again until around 5.30pm. For tea i had one grilled burger with lettuce and cheese.. I'm relatively happy with my portion size and that i am staying on top of the night munchies but i would prefer to eat multiple small meals during the day. Today for breakfast i aim to have toast (instead of crackers and dip) and i will try to have fruit during the day. For tea tonight i'll cook grilled steak, mash and peas but i will forego the mash as my doctor heavily criticised my carb rich diet and i have been instructed to only have one helping of bread cereal or potato a day, hey he's prescribing my meds so who am i to argue.
In order to get some exercise today, i think i'll chuck on the kinect and go a few rounds of just dance.. It would probably be better to walk and do some stomach crunches or something but the weather will likely prevent me going outside and as my belly still looks like war zone after the surgery i am hesitant to mess with it. Baby steps.
So that's diet, water intake, exercise and side effects covered.. Along with a hole lot of other babble. I am thinking of perhaps only weighing myself monthly, when i return to the doctor to renew my script. A lot of scales aren't designed for the morbidly obese and don't go past 120kgs and if i buy a set that do i risk becoming obsessive and worse yet if i am disheartened by a small loss or a gain i could slip up or come off the rails entirely and aint nobody want to see an out of control fat train. So bigger picture yea :) now it's time to give myself over to the day.


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