Reaching a Goal - Week 6

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Morning All - Hope every single one of you had a wonderful weekend and good numbers.

I have reached my first goal of 15kg biting the dust of my little fat body.
Never knew that losing 1.7kg could make me this happy. I actually cried tears of joy when the realization hit I had less than 50kg to go to reach my 75kg weight I have been dreaming of for years.

Can't wait for the next 1.7kg or the next 15kg mark. I actually feel better, my confidence has gotten a boost, the saggy skin everywhere no longer bugs me as much, because it is all worth it.

No better feeling that putting on jeans that you use to be to small and now the are to big... I could dance with joy at the moment.

Wouldn't have done it without my support system...

SW 138.9kg
CW 123.8kg
GW 75kg
Total Lost 15.1kg
Still to go 48.8kg
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