Ready self..??? It's Time!!

  • Author Deanna78
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It's day 10.. The sleepless few nights seem to be over, eating has lessened though I do still feel hungry through the day and night.. thankfully only small amounts are consumed... Started at 78.5kg and am too afraid to weigh myself again.. I don't feel I've lost anything, so don't want rhe discouragement a number on scales may provide at this stage.. Perhaps I will weigh myself on day 20..?? And if no progress by then, perhaps ask my Dr if 40mg could be prescribed.. Perhaps - Patience and Time is all I need... afterall.. I didn't whack 25kg on in a week or two..

Would love to hear from others.. to share progressive messages..
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Weighed myself this morning- start of day 12..
SW: 78.5
CW: 76.0 - down 2.5kg
GW: 58kg

Waking in early hours each morning. Usually by 2am and finish the night in rest mode. Dont eat much by day though this is quite typiclal for me. I tend to work throigh at work and eat on the hop.. am hungry for dinner, do eat less though but could still snack too much after if i allow myself to. Want to try 40mg for next script. (This is my first ever duromine experience)
It's 2am - morning of day 19 and i am awake and thinking... my body feels heavy, mouth dry. Water kept beside me all the time! Taking a herbal based fibre tablet to help to relieve what has become constant constipation .. I don't have bursts of energy as others report and I still feel hungry through the day.. thinking I may respond better to 40mg. Don't want to lose hope for a good overall loss. 71 days to go... 11 on this script.. time will tell i guess.
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Day 24.. have had 40mg for 3 days.. feeling this works better for me.. Still have something small for breakfast - Friday whilst getti g ready for work- 1/2 weetbix and a small coffee and i was done.. lunch lettuce, cherry tomatoes and cucumber with chicken (yum).. took me ages.. graized whilst working (fortunately I am not on a specific lunch break time..)... small amount of stir fry for dinner.. and coffee.. weekend- Brunch.. Happy not ro eat all.. nothing until late afternoon and something small for dinner.. am still having coffee but it doesn't taste as nice as usual.. thats a good thing as coffee is a downfall for me.. finding i am tipping a good half out..! With luck, it will lose its appeal over the course of this duromine journey of mine.. havent weighed in since Friday (its Sunday night now).. was 77.2 then.. wont weigh in again until next Friday.. Holding hope that the 40mg will help me to see loss by then.. Goal - 58kg..

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