Really going through the ultimate TEST , "mental motivation "....



I got some bad news this week ,and it is really messing up with my positive attitude and drive this week, I was just starting to get into a good routine of sleep ,and exercise and eating all my calories, till I got the bad news, THE ONLY GOOD that has come out this is, I have not raided the cupboard for bad snacks, or extra food,as I would have done in the past if I was anxious, stressed or worried ,so for that I am thankful , and motivated, but the BAD side is I sat on my butt, the whole day yesterday, not wanting to do exercises ,or any house work, only made dinner , or go anywhere, my son had to ask me twice when were we going to have lunch,and that is not good at all, around 9pm, I decided enough was enough, and I STARTED TO SPRING CLEAN the kitchen from top to bottom, the landlady will be so happy with her very clean stove, it looks almost new, and better than when I arrived here, lol ..At 9:45pm I decided to exercise, I have NEVER done that in my WHOLE life, not even in my skinning young days , took a shower and tried to go to bed, tossed and turned the whole night, I was hoping the exercise would have exhausted me, as the night before I slept so well from exercising , but it was not to be, not sure what time this morning I eventually fell asleep, but I glad I did.woke up to an amazing Brisbane golden sunrise, {took a pic }will post it shortly , GOT ON THE SCALE !!!!! I know , I know, what was I THINKING !!!!! only supposed weight myself friday, {shows you how challenged I am mentally right now }, and to add to my already "woe is me " attitude , I have only lost 200g ,in spite of exercise, all my water, and calories...Today is a new day , and I will have new challenges, but to know that I overcame, NOT going to bad habits by raiding the kitchen or not exercising to sabotage my goal weight, and life changing lifestyle, I HAVE OVERCOME A HUGE OBSTACLE IN MY LIFE ,and although I failed the "scale test " it is such a small fail compared to me not feeding my face when I am emotional , {having been an emotional eater all my life and coming from three generations before me ,who were and are the same }So today I put my big girl panties on ,and will continue my weekly plan of 1200 calories, exercise and water ,and even if I DO NOT make my mini goal this week, it is ok , because I will eventually get there, now that I KNOW that I have overcome mentally , nothing can stop me now, reaching the goals set before me, for that, I am proud of myself today , and accept that there will always be good days and bad days, as such is life ..Hope you all having a good week so far , and that you able to reach all your goals and aspirations you have set yourselves this week , and those of you like me who have not, we WILL GET THERE , we will get there ...keep moving , keep believing.....
Wow sounds like you need a big hug.
I certainly know how stress can throw you for six.
Sounds like you are pretty aware of what is going on and hopefully you can not let it get you too down.
Sending you lots of good vibes.
sharon xoxo
Thank you Sharon, appreciate it.. Not sure why I over complicate things ..
It's ok Leigh. You started to change your whole life, so it is normal that you experience different emotions, because you are going through the battle with your old you and your old habits. It is difficult, let's face it But I still see the good thing here: you are trying to solve it, you realize it and it means that you can overcome all this and the new day will come when you will find your weight loss journey easier and will be the happiest person! We believe in you - you got to believe in yourself too! (HUG)(HUG)(HUG)
Hi Leigh sending you a hug.. Congratulations on not caving into your old demons :) ... Your amazing and strong go girl x have a fabulous week and don't get on the scales..I know how hard it is I'm tempted myself ... :)

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