Results - !!!! Day2

  • Author Brooklyncara
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Wednesday !!

So I started duromine 30mg yesterday morning , today would be my 2nd day on it . Did not experience any bad side effects except for having a dry mouth. I did end up having a little vegetable stew last night , but could only have about 7 or 8 spoons full , I'm guessing I had been drinking so much water I wasn't able to fit any thing else because I just felt as though I was really stuffed ...

Woke up at 8 , took my duromine at 9 .
Made my breakfast which was 2 scrambled eggs and my bottle of water .

Anyways .......

So I was about to get into the shower and because the scale is rite there I was very tempted to jump on it I tried to hold myself back as my dr did say wait till the month is over but I guess I jus couldn't wait ...

Hopped on and waited
Then scale read 84.7kgs

I knew it could never be true as Monday my doctor weighed me and I was 86kg .
To make sure yesterday morning I had re weighed myself on my home scale and it was also 86kg.

So I jumped off and on again and it read the same exact weight, I probably done it about 11 times lol (had to make sure) still wasn't convinced as I jus started this yesterday and the scale says iv lost 1.3kgs ... So I ran around the house looking for something to weight with measurements on . I found a 2 litre cordial and put that on and the scale had read 1.9kgs ... I was incomplete shock jus thinking that the scale is rite then and I have just lost 1.3 kgs In less than 2 days . Is this even possible ???? I'm quite happy I guess , was just wondering if this does happen ? Or not ...

Day 2 -

Starting weight - 86kgs
Current weight - 84.7kgs
Weight loss - 1.3kgs
Goal weight -70 kgs

Not going to get too excited but hoping I can loose about 5 kgs by the end of my first week . - I have cut out all carbs , bad carbs I guess . I don't have anything with sugar in expect my tea which I have stopped having from yesterday . I think that would be the hardest thing not having at the moment . But I guess I can pull through with out it .


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