Run Forest Run

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Day twelve on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Think the lunges i did yesterday might have been pushing it somewhat.. Not that i mind, pushing it is good, just my knees have been rather achy all day. Accidentally rolled onto my stomach again in my sleep and without being able to breathe or whatnot my belly button looked rather sad again today. Grrrr :mad:. So frustrating because it seems to be getting better and finally healing and then i either exercise too thoughtlessly (attempting to jump a lot etc) or forget to let it get air and set back the healing again. Thankfully most of the internal pain is diminished and it is just the wound in my navel that has yet to heal. It is no longer preventing me from doing most anything but the few limitations it has caused are really really ticking me off. Jumping was a clear no-no, i have to be careful when i run, repeated bending can be problematic and it's just damn unseemly to walk around with my pants tucked under my belly and my top hitched up so it doesn't cause it to sweat. Yea ok so rant over :).
Woke up at 7am took tablet and had an apple for breakfast. Had a small slice of cheese between one and two when i made my sons lunch for kindy.. Didn't realise til later that he is actually scheduled for a dental appointment tomorrow, thought it was Thursday, really glad i realised in time as it's an important consultation regarding having a grey / dead tooth extracted under anesthesia. For tea i grilled some marinated steaks and served my son and his father peas and potato fries on the side. I mashed up about a handful of peas and topped my piece of steak with them. I read recently that if you were at a table with others in between each bite you should put your knife and fork down and converse as it helps you feel fuller if you eat slowly, think it was stated that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you were full. I have tried the whole chew each mouthful 100 times thing before and found it rigorous and unpleasant but this worked for me.
Pleasantly surprised myself as i ate just over half my steak and realised i was full. And then i stopped :). Can't get over how great the ability to stop eating when I am not hungry is.. It was ingrained in me at such a young age that food should never be wasted, living with my grandparents who had come through the depression and were mindful of wasting anything i was praised for eating the leftovers from my siblings plates and preventing them from being thrown out and was quite fondly referred to as the garbage disposal unit as for many years as a child. It was a habit that stuck and until recently i always tended to eat and eat and eat until the food was gone. Even when i was sick and so full it hurt i just couldn't seem to help myself. This is a really big deal for me and i hope so fervently if i take one learned behaviour away from this experience it is this.
Found it difficult to drink water today.. Not because it was water, i just wasn't thirsty i guess. I managed to drink 1 litre but that was all. Didn't have the time to do the dancing today as my son wanted lots of attention- the likelihood of getting him to give me breathing room for an hour plus was really not good. Went for an after dinner walk instead- probably only for half an hour but i did chase him for roughly half that time. Running as a fat person is totally not fun. It's like the death of fun. My stomach slaps up and down making a thunk thunk thunk noise, feeling like it might tear off at any second o_O My boobs flap around like errant flags in full breeze and i look like a pulsating blob having an epileptic fit. So not an attractive thing, yet i did it out in public- again. Making the kid happy and doing something active at the same time, i call that a win :laughing: screw the fact there were people looking on in horror and my picture might turn up in one of those rags disputing the whereabouts of other monstrosities like the loch ness and big foot.
Not sure if i will get the time to dance tomorrow between drop off at kindy, early collect, dentist etc but i will definitely try to fit it in, perhaps strait after drop off, as i want to do more lunges. Make my knees and thighs squeal. Paybacks a b#@!h yea ;)


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