Saturday - rainy and cold

  • Author Onmyway
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Morning all,
I am not shifting any weight on the scales since Wednesday and I have only 3 tablets left. I have not sought another prescription as I am hoping that I can lose the last few kg's by myself. It is funny, every time I get down to around 71kg, all seems to stop - its like my body is rebelling and not wanting to lose anymore.

I have been doing a heck of a lot of walking, so I am wondering whether I have put on some muscle and that is what occurs - but will keep working on it and see how it goes.

Having people over for dinner tonight and have my little granddaughter having a sleep over - I will be doing FC's routine and baking cakes - she loves that :).

I hope everyone has a good weekend and will see what happens at weigh in next week. My father is back in the hospital on Monday to have fluid drained from his lungs and then hopefully will start radiotherapy. Fingers crossed that it all goes as well as can be expected. It has been a very tumultuous couple of weeks! Luckily I am one of those people that tends to stop eating when under stress, not eating more. Maybe that is what is wrong - not eating enough and my metabolism has slowed down.... hhhmmmm.... will have to ponder that one! ciao for now :)
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