• Author Lindelwa Mhlanga
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So its my second week, and already my weight is fluctuating, at this rate, i don't care how much i lose, as long as i lose. my hopes are still up and i believe that i will reach my goal weight, if i keep my head in the right space, with no food around can i fail? i'm quite happy and confident about the whole weight loss thing. the shocking thing, is that people are actually noticing!!! not like a LOT of people, but you know, just a few lovely comments here and there. it truly is, the small things like people noticing that kinda makes it almost all worth it. but please, don't think i'm doing this for people, i'm doing this for myself but i cant ignore petty things like the fact that i'm absolutely tired of being 'the fat friend'. this reason may seem pretty shallow and meaningless to most nonetheless, it means a great deal to me. this week is my "NO FOOD WEEK' in which I've literally just drank water and chewed a lot of gum. i still haven't gotten around to the exercising regime, but will get to it as soon as school closes. i pray that this week of 'starvation' results in some sort decrease on the scale. i have one concern though, the other day, i had a terrible headache, i wanted to take some Panado, but then i couldnt, because i would be drinking pills on an empty stomach....which would have resulted to be a complete disaster. but im still quite pleased with my progress and can only imagine how far i can go with an exercising routine of a sort.....anyway,
today is: Wednesday 1 October 2014.
my weight update: (last time i weighed myself was on Sunday 28 September 2014)
SW: 111kg
CW: 105.8kg
GW: 68kg
safe to say i have a long way to go, but thank goodness that i'm FINALLY ON THE RIGHT PATH. SKINNYVILLE HERE I COME :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
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christine V
Are you saying you're going a whole week without eating??
I'm sorry, do you want to gain life-long disorders in your body?? And btw what are you going to do when you finish the pills? Do you think you can stay without food for long?.. I don't think so. Weight loss will come you don't have to starve your body, it is meaningless. Besides, in case you didn't know - when your body is starving it is keeping all your fat deposits, not to die because it doesn't know how long you are going to keep it without food. And when you start eating again (after all efforts and weight loss therapy with the pills) you can gain even more weight than you had before.
What you are doing now is playing a dangerous game with your body and metabolism. IMHO
No offence please. I'm just afraid you will end up with more harm than good.

Blog entry information

Lindelwa Mhlanga
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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