September/October 2015 Update

  • Author Lady_G
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start Weight: 109 kg (06 September 2015)
Current Weight: 102kg (27 October 2015)
Weight Loss: 7kg

Hey Ladies:rolleyes:

For the Month of September(starting 06/09/15) I've manage to loose 9kg's :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: and weighed 100kg's by the first October could've done better as I didn't exercise as often as I could've. Due to my concern of my increased libido I consulted with my Dr and took myself off Duromine for the month of October and gained 2kg's due to eating unhealthy. Had extremely lots of chocolate, wine, beer, junk food etc So im very pleased that its ONLY 2kg's :mad::mad::mad::mad: which I can lose within one week of taking duromine and not much more that id struggle with - Could've been much more easily....

I'm happy to report I'm starting November with Duromine again and slowly starting to make healthier meal choices, no sugar and low carb lets see
Wish me luck:)


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