Sick of being a Fattie :(

  • Author StarryG
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I've always been on the larger side. I was born at 10lb 3oz (my poor mum!) and it has blossomed from there. I've tried many types of diets and healthy life changes along the way, but I still seem to put all the weight back on. My crowning glory occurred in my mid 30's when I managed to slim down to 69kgs, a size 10, but the low fat diet I was on made sure I was unwell, eating like a bird, and it took a mere couple of years to creep back up.

My heaviest was at 122.4kg about five years ago. I decided that I was going to create a healthy lifestyle for myself, and lost 24 kilos. I was feeling pretty fabulous and proud of myself. Then I strained my hamstring doing cartwheels in the back yard.... a few months after that I fractured the top of my arm when I was roller blading and went head first into a wall. Due to inaction, I put most of the weight back on, as you can imagine. Now, it seems that no matter what I do as far as health is concerned, I can't budge the fat off my 115kg frame. If I exercise a little less one week, I will put on weight. And now, I'm feeling depressed and frumpy with no motivation to do anything past exercising a few days a week and trying to watch what I eat.

I saw a new Dr at my health clinic a week ago, and he mentioned Duromine as a way to reset my body set-point. So desperate, I wanted to try just about anything! Because my blood pressure is not the best, I have been taking 15mg as a starter for the past week, with a follow up visit with the Dr in another week. What makes it all slightly more difficult is that I am taking medication for other issues as well. I take medication for an underactive thyroid, genetic hair loss and depression.

I'm just hoping that this treatment will work. If not, I haven't got anything to fall back on....
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Best of luck to you, StarryG! May all your efforts bring considerable results! There are so many people here ready to support you, so feel free to write anything you feel like writing. Take care!
Thank you both. Looking forward to this with more than a little excitement :)
How do you feel, StarryG? Any new feelings? Do you have any plans about eating and exercising? Have a great day!

Blog entry information

Read time
2 min read
Last update

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