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  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Day twenty two on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Recently i have started counting calories. Previously i subscribed to the whole weight watchers pro points system and with a little help from google (ascertaining how many points were in what) and was managing my food intake this way.. Mostly.. Occasionally.. Ok when i thought of it :) Dance central has a little heart icon at the top left of the screen that counts the calories you burn, at least approximately. I must say i prefer this approach to just dance 3's sweat points as the sweat points dont give you a clear indication of how much you are burning.. I did find posts via google that suggest 1 hour equates to 500 calories burnt and i will assume this is correct as that's about what i average at on dance central. This prompted me to source my caloric content consumed per day. In the past 4+ days i have had about 750 calories daily.. So yea that's not too shabby. Apparently my BMR or basal metabolic rate is 2085.. Now i can take awhile to understand and process things and only even realised i have a BMR tonight while dicking around on google but what my understanding is, is that this is the amount of calories i need to consume daily if i want to stay at my current weight (as it was last time i weighed in) and obviously that's not my intention so by eating less i am adhering to the whole putting in less than i am expending plan.. I think and i mean who eats 2083 calories a day? but then i must have if i got this big and maintained this weight for so long? Not a pleasant thought, moving right along..
Woke up at 6am today, had tablet and laughing cow cheese triangle for breakfast. My son had an end of term kindy party so i made mini jellies in multicoloured plastic shot cups with plastic spoons taped to them and packed a container with cheezels :laughing: fun to wind up others peoples kids with a sugar high and then send them home.. Other people brought mudcakes and cupcakes and the like so they obviously had the same idea.. Not so funny (for me ;)) when the lil man is on a sugar rush- he could flap his arms really hard and take off i reckon.
After dropping him off i elected to spend the day at the library as i had to return to the kindy just after one for the party and it was just easier in general. Unfortunately this meant that by the time i did return home 1-2 hours of dance was very unlikely, and indeed did not occur. Tomorrow i will be doing 2 hours of dance without exception.
Did some last minute shopping on the way to the library and got some craft supplies for the lil man and my 10yo sister who is to spend the night tomorrow, also got some burger rings and jelly lolly rings to add to the remaining cheezels so the kids could make their own edible bracelets or necklaces- yea it's not healthy but it's fun :p.
While out my sons father got a chocolate donut and though i knew i shouldn't i began gazing adoringly at the baked goods. When the vanilla slice started whispering that it was a dirty little custard in that suggestive way it has i knew i should walk away but alas i was transfixed by its golden sheen and stood listening to its prattle on about the sheer brilliance of choosing it and forsaking the carb filled donut, sure it was full of sugar but i could work that off.. eventually its venomous little voice purred. Yup, i bought it and i ate it. What?! Don't shake your head- i had to shut it up somehow and there simply wasn't any duck tape on hand.. I think that i was starting to get incredibly resentful. The little things i leave off my plate or substitute at meal times seem insignificant but yesterday after buying some mouth watering cheese and bacon rolls for my son and his father i stayed strong and refrained, then after buying some gorgeous looking cinnamon donuts and watching my sister in law and the kids gorge on them i still managed to refrain and i know i am trying to justify myself and i don't need to. I refuse to feel guilty.. too guilty. I allowed myself a treat. One seriously sweet decadent mind blowing drool worthy AWESOME treat and now i can return to behaving myself. No more wet dreams about pastries.
Upon returning home i ate 3 cheezels then made a meat pie for my sons dinner and ate a tin of campbells chunky chilli beef for tea.. actually i ate half so yea still about 750 or less calories today :) however i got over the finish line that's a win for me.
As i didn't do the dance and as its raining and blustery outside a walk or run was out of the question. It's not as good as the cardio but rather than do nothing i did 100 stomach crunches and then 100 pelvic thrusts. In intervals of 20 as my muscles were screaming obscene things at me by the time i reached 15. Hoping that if i maintain the crunches and thrusts nightly but also do the dance daily, whenever possible, that this will work to strengthen and tone while shedding kilos.. Only dank 1 litre of water today, i know i will be able to drink a lot more tomorrow due to the dancing and all. Also drank a sugar free mother. I bought some green tea to try as i read it was good for speeding up your metabolism but then after more research realised for the 4% increase to take effect one must drink approximately 10 cups a day.. Not sure that's gonna happen..


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