Smashing it - Kinda . . .

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Last night I was really tired and fell asleep watching TV at about 9.30. Although I was again wide awake at 4am, it was a pretty solid sleep waking up just once for the call of nature! I went back to the gym today and smashed it on the weights again - I lifted 30kg (that includes the bar) for the first time without a spotter so I'm pretty proud about that. Also managed to run for half an hour. Eating? Well I'm hoping for a better day today as in eating more than a piece of fruit for brekky and a small tuna salad for lunch. Last night for dinner I had a veggie lentil patty which I put under the grill with a couple of swiss mushrooms which I melted some swiss cheese over. Full. Snacked on a date ball (home made) and a slice of cheese and felt yuk. Yep. I have to get better at eating. Even hubby has told me I need to eat, especially protein if I'm lifting weights or else my muscles will be starving! I'm feeling OK. Think I might weigh in on Saturday morning for the first time. That scares me - I don't look as though I've dropped any weight thus far, nor do I feel like I have. But . . . the scales and the clothes don't lie. I must be patient. This is only day 4 . . .
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