so I weighed in week one

  • Author juzi
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Last week on Thursday was my first weigh in on 15mg and I lost 2.4kg woohoo pretty happy with that, but Doc reckons it was 2kg of water and 400g of fat, but also lost 3cm off waist , doc upped the duromine to 30mg so it will be interesting what my Thursday loss is this week,have been pretty good with eating and exercise, would love to lose 15kg in 12 weeks if possiable.
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Why do DR's always have to put a downer on our weight loss? Great work, keep it up!
Well done Juzi. Who cares if it was water or fat. As long as you keep it off, in the long run it will be fat that has gone as your body will not keep losing water.
I think everyone has a large loss the first few weeks. It is a good boost to get you going and all adds to the big picture down the track.

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