Start of week 6

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Ok back on Duromine this morning after 1 week off ...let's see what unfolds this week...I have 3 assignments that must be completed .. I am returning to work after a week sick leave.. Mentoring a diploma student and catching up with my clients and any new referrals that have come in while I have been away... Must eat the 1000 calories must exercise .. Must sleep ... Now fun part catch up with my great nieces and grandson and take them to have the Thomas the tank rides in Sydney on the weekend :) ...
Ahhh life's good :) wishing everyone a fabulous week with missing kgs :)
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All the best sure have a full on week ahead of you , but it sounds like gr8 weekend planned ;)..KEEP US POSTED ON YOUR TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS, :laughing:
Ok have been back on Duromine 15 mg for 4 days.... Minimal sleep 5 hrs... It's ok because I'm not stressing... I'm relaxed. Went back to work yesterday ... So I. Seriously busy... Not eating my 1000 calories... I will try today ..wish me luck :) good news my son is getting married in December 14 ... So that's motivation to stay focused I wanna look good for his wedding.. Lucky me I get to help with the planning my daughter I law to be ..has asked for my help I'm very excited and feel blessed :) :p:):p:laughing::rolleyes::rolleyes: :)
OH THAT IS FAB ...hope we are going to see some wedding pics too ... This is such a motivation tool for you for sure, !!! I see you also struggle to eat your calories for the day when you busy ,have you experienced that when you do not eat all your calories you do not lose or lose as much? has your body stood still and plateaued because if it at anytime ? ,SORRY to ask so much info, I am just trying to work out my root cause for my weight not moving , or moving so slow ,even though I am exercising ,and trying to get 6 to 7 hours of sleep in ,and all my water... MAY YOU EAT ALL 1000 calories today with a huge success S.I.M.......thinking of you ...
Hi Leigh I have been lucky and lost each week, however I haven't exercised at all... I do struggle to eat the 1000 cals most days... It's ok I hope I lose this week I would love to be in double digits this week wish me luck ;)
LUCK... LUCK.... LUCK .... keep doing what you doing , it is showing results..

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