Start of week 8

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Feeling positive and liking being in control I am going to start my exercise program today ... I need to do this ... I need to get off my butt and start moving.... I find finding the time and motivation to exercise is the hardest change for me ...I read everyone else's blogs and they are doing vast amounts of exercise.... I wish I had the determination. Ok my plan is slow and steady walking on the walker at a moderate pace slight up hill for 3 x 30 mins ... I know that's not much ...hey it's a start;) Wish me luck !
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Good luck.
Is 3x30mins each day or for the week. If it is each day it will be a very hard start! I struggle to do 30 mins on the treadmill. I am definitely not one of those who is doing lots of exercise.
I am trying to start moving but finding it very hard. I am much more conscious of how much (or little) I am moving now that I have a movement tracker (like a pedometer, it is a Misfit Shine).
Don't go too hard too soon. I injured my back doing too much last week and am only now slowly getting back to moving at all.
Again. Good luck and well done.
Hi Sharon..... 3x 30 mins over the week lol I said slow & steady ..:p 3x30mins a day would kill me ;) The movement tracker sounds like a good idea I hope your feeling better :)

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