Starting my new weight loss adventure!!

  • Author TaraJ
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today is my second day of being on duromine 30mg. I am 20yo and weigh 120kg. My doctor just recently prescribed me duromine after having tried everything to lose weight. My brother is a personal trainer who tries his best to help me, I am also apart of a netball team and have been my entire life. I just struggle with my addiction to food!!! I am hoping to one day get down to 80kg, with a lot of hard work, sweat and tears.

Day 1:
Yesterday I took my first duromine tablet, felt like i had no energy all morning so layed in bed till 11am. Finally got the energy to go for a walk. Managed to eat all my small meals 1100cal. Went for another walk in he evening. Haven't had any major side effects besides not sleeping well at night.

Day 2:
Sneakily weighed myself this morning as I was so curious, scales say 117.6kg. Thats a loss of 2.4kg in one day. I'll recheck it on Monday. Took my tablet at 7.30am, had an optifast shake for breakfast, chicken and small amount of rice and veggies for lunch, and meatballs and salad for dinner. Also went for a walk before lunch and hit the gym with a friend in the afternoon. No major side effects today. I'm hoping to sleep better tonight.

All in all, I think I am coping well so far. Im still feeling slightly hungry through out the day but the duromine is helping keep my cravings at bay (meaning no fast food). I'm going away this weekend and am hoping that my friends will help keep me on track. I will be taking my optifast shakes and protein bars with me. My treat myself to dinner out (pick the healthiest thing on the menu though)

Any tips on what to eat or how much exercise I should be doing?



This is what I ate today (keep in mind that I don't eat meat or dairy haha):

Breakfast/Lunch: Spinach and tofu scramble
Snack: Celery sticks with hummus (cheated and bought hummus from Woolies)
Dinner: Brown rice with vege stir fry
Snack: homemade bliss balls

Went to the gym after work. I usually do 45mins of weight lifting and 20mins of medium-intensity cardio. Hope this helps!
Hi Tara,

I started 3 weeks ago at 110kg and have lost 5kg. I have a back injury so the only exercise I can do is swimming which I do 2x a week. The Duromine has completely suppressed my appetite so I have restricted my food intake to 1200 calories per day. I've lost loads of centimetres of my body, wish I'd measured at the start.

Good luck with your journey xx
Thanks guys, I've been eating between 100-1300 cal depending on how I feel. I've been working out a lot this week which is surprising. Hopefully I'll see good results :) thanks again. Will keep you updated. Will weigh in tomorrow.

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