Stayed the same

  • Author Emz91
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey guys

ive been on duromine for 2 months now and have lost 16kg

Start Weight 97kg
to date: 81kg

i cant seem to lose anymore weight has anyone else had this problem im exercising everyday about to give up now.


It happens, yes. The plateau period is quite usual for weight loss. Just don't give it up now! Continue, even if it seems you don't lose any weight now. How much do you want to lose by the way?
Yes continue never give up, I usually do my measurements on the weeks I don't loose or stay the same or even put on:( as there is normally a loss of cm's which always makes me feel better and motivated :):)to work a little harder or just relax about it all until the next weigh in ... After all it's a long journey honestly no quick fixes .. Have a fantastic week you will lose more weight next week :)
welcome to the" plateau club"we should have T shirts made for those days or weeks, right ?? hahaha, but agree with Kate and Shelly ,In the past it used to really get me down, and negative and give in to it all, these days, I c it as an added challenge, as when we keep losing or even stay the same we tend to not work as hard at it, as usual ,and we rely on pills or exercise etc to keep us going, but we need to rely on ourselves, and even when we do and we plateau, it is just our bodies , trying to find a new level again and trying to adjust our our crazy changes, and to be honest, I would rather be a "plateau girl" now and again while on this journey, as when we get to goal weight we going to be pretty ready for our" plateau stage "and maintenance, so look at it as a gift rather than a burden EMZ91!! happy holidays, and reach for that goal hun !!

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