Staying on track when going thru crises, exams & birthdays

  • Author Loulou
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
This has been a difficult few days for me and the hardest thing I had to do was not give into emotional eating. My hubby has been hospitalized due to a recurring heart problem that's affecting his kidney now too:-( and his not doing well. So being at work & still doing the hospital run is proving to be extreamly taxing on me. This is the time I would normally go to two extreams - one starving myself or emotional eating. So far so good thou, I am still keeping to healthy habits.
And yesterday it was my baby girl's second birthday & I am soo proud of myself for being strong enough to not dig into the lovely birthday cake & goodies I got for her.

So here is to hoping that while my life is in turmoil my weight loss will still be on track. Weigh in on Thursday!!!!


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