Staying under 1200 calories

  • Author hellomello
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Eating well is easy now that I am back from holidays. I always skip the second day of duromine just so that I know when I eventually do go off it that my body will adjust properly and I won't binge eat. Usually my day my food plan is as follows:

Breakfast: yoghurt with bananas and strawberries
Snack: nut mix and soy milk
Lunch: salad wrap with tuna or chicken
Snack: boiled egg with brocolli
Dinner: any seafood (usually fish or pawns) with salad and 1 piece of fruit
Exercise: 1 hour, slow paced walking

I feel that I'm usually not hungry and I only eat when I'm bored! So it's more like a bad habit than a necessity. I'm very happy with my weight now but obviously I'm still working towards my goal. My weight has been fluctuating between 70-72kgs on most days and I don't mind it so much. I have to diet more seriously as of next week though as I do need to lose the excess weight before September.


Good plan, hellomello!
I know that eating when you are bored, that is why I cannot live without work))) If I stay at home all the time - food was calling my name. But it'll pass, I promise. Keep up the good work and try some new exercises with new meals. Changes are always great!

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