Still Going

  • Author Scribbles
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
The first few days I was taking the pills I was kind of hungry. I said to my husband that I wasn't going to keep using them. I've had few issues for a week now with other things including seeing a Physio for an inflamed tendon in my foot. So I've been able to just be worrying about other things and not have my mind be all about weight and pills and hunger etc. I'm only on the 15 mg, and even though the Doctor said to miss the weekend, I was naughty and took them then too. I'll tell her when I see her on Monday.

So I'm not really hungry much at all. Which is good. I don't know if I want to go up to the next dosage. I did have dry mouth to start with but that seems to have decreased. No other side effects. I sleep well.

So I weighed myself this morning. Been on the pills for 8 days. Today will be day 9. So for my 8 days I've lost....wait for it.........2.6 kg.


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