Still Here

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey all!

I hope you're all still travelling well. Work has been very hectic for me over the past few weeks which has kept me away from here so I do apologise.
Things are going well. I am down to 62.3kg which means a total loss of 5.7kg - just 2.3kg away from my doctor's goal but still about 5kg away from my personal goal that I set myself which is probably a tad unrealistic.
You might remember me mentioning a couple of weeks ago about the fun afternoon I had trying on some of my other clothes I hadn't been able to fit into - some not for years. Well yesterday I tried on a pair of shorts and then a pair of 3/4 pants and they look awful - all baggy and sitting weird. That was a kind of a haapy/sad moment as these clothes used to look so nice on me just a couple of weeks ago :(.

However . . . I shouldn't be complaining. I recon I have about 2 more months left of the tablets - probably start the weaning processs when I get my last cycle filled.

Anyway that's me! Happy shrinking everybody!


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